The Bullshit is too Damn High!

See now this is a crime and should be handled in the so called justice system. Unlike that little boy with serious autism the other day, or that jaywalker who got the shit beat out of him, or the little boy playing in a park who was shot without even an attempt to talk to him, get the idea.

No there isn’t when you go to a playground there is an implicit understanding you are there to play not that you are there to play with anyone and everyone who happens to be there at that time.

Yeah just like Trump loves and respects the women around him like his best daughter he like to date...and the current model wife he loves to leave behind...and the other daughter, wait he has another daughter someone better tell him.

Honestly at this point it seems peak oil won’t happen until all the environmental damage is so profound it cannot be legitimately denied anymore and then all the extreme measures will come far too late....Thanks greed and politics!

Well they obviously failed because The National Enquirer was a massive boost to getting Trump elected.

The Bell-Curve .. pretty sure when I Google translate it into German ohh look Mein Kampf I found you! I was wondering where you went for the last several decades.

As I keep telling people Trump won the election so now things like slavery are cool again. All the hip super rich have at least a few they trapped by taking their passports away, threatening with ICE agents, and work 18 hour days every day for no pay.

ET just punched me in the precious packages! I need to call this VOICE hotline.

Yeah I ks’d this and that email sucked. But honestly if they do someday complete this cool if not well then oh well it wasn’t enough money to break the bank but it does sting.

But Trump won and he won bigly and he won the popular vote cept for those brown illegal voting bastards so Racism is totally the norm now its even got a new title in politics of Alt-Right as in it’s not right, in fact it’s wrong so it’s Alt-Right. Just like me taking your stuff permanently against your will shall now

Share with random strangers I just met, hell no. Share with a friend I was there to play with absolutely or I wouldn’t have brought them.

Get over it Trump won says the man waving a confederate someone missed the lesson on cognitive dissonance.

Most Police training in the USA is very short and from admittedly very little research I recall that a large chunk of it is firearms training at the expense of using that time for other things such as de-escalation training or giving a shit about other people being people training.

Oh they do care about your color, did they take your car using civil forfeiture laws even though you were not charged? See they at least left you your wheels right?

I don’t have the link handy to the study done about hate groups entering law enforcement but what does the USA expect when it allows local law enforcement to be targeted by known racist (which are also usually highly misogynistic) and militia (which are often also racist and misogynistic) groups infiltrate them and

Damn I blame my parents for the accident of my birth in their family, why couldn’t I have been in a rich family so I could walk the floor of our automated factory and proclaim how I lifted myself up by my bootstraps and pushed all the limits myself with no help so how dare these poors say that the American Dream is

Fuck this administration, and you know what screw all those who live so far from the national parks in the west its fine if they allow them to be stolen, destroyed, and violated because they will never go there.

If it does help anyone who isn’t insanely rich it would be by accidental oversight of the writers of the tax reform bill and the loophole that results in savings for the not super rich will be closed on the first amendment to the bill.

yes but at least there was an actor or like Roger Rabbit or any other animation/real world films. I just think calling this live action is a joke.

There is something wrong with signing on to voice characters in a live action film when all the characters will have to be lots of CGI? This means not live action? Lion King remake is odd.