I agree that the forgiveness is a personal choice and not forgiving something major (obviously they took my toy when we were kids and not forgiving as adults is petty) doesn’t make someone better or worse than someone else.
I agree that the forgiveness is a personal choice and not forgiving something major (obviously they took my toy when we were kids and not forgiving as adults is petty) doesn’t make someone better or worse than someone else.
But he will win because remember per his child custody battle this Alex Jones is just a right wing act. He lies, I mean creates satire, as a performace. You can’t blame him if his fans take him literally.
This was a very interesting read and thank you for putting it out there.
Cop: “Yeah he ‘fell’ face first with the assistance of my hand.”
No he is all about his sons and his one daughter he’d love to date. His wives, mistresses, and the other daughter are all just toys to be discarded.
But he was only supposed to deport the bad hombres!
Because if they make them cool then they will be more distracting and some drivers will sue for causing them to crash cause they didnt pry their eyes off the awesome infotainment system and actually watch the road.
Waaaaa! I don’t get to build my useless monument to hate and bigotry? Waaa! no money for anybody then!
Because this totally needed to go to the private prison system to be resolved. No way should we use healthcare and education to deal with children who have issues that could be helped by healthcare and education being used properly.
What Trump endorsed Trum...Le Pen? Never saw that happening.
What are you talking about we are totally ready to dodge this refugee crisis because i’m pretty sure that the refugees from Korea won’t pass President Trumps whiteness test. So no refugees coming here no problem right?
I agree that the tax system is bullshit here in the USA but damn until we resolve other issues such as gerrymandering and removing money from elections its going to be very difficult to enact the changes really necessary to save this government.
I agree that being anti-choice is crap. But a serious question here, who else should they have supported in this election? Sometimes a bad choice is better than a worse choice. But is it better than no choice? I am not and never have been a single issue voter, but I have almost universally supported pro choice over…
God I wasted so much time with several of these games.
God forbid I buy a used car that’s already dinged up and I am slowly fixing. I must be awful at driving. Nope just kinda poor at the moment.
What’s worse the crazy person who actually creates and believes the Infowars crap; or the jackass who creates and spews the Infowars crap because he found a way to fleece money from ignorant people?
Ayup we totally don’t need people from outside teh USA everything worth anything was invented and is made here, all the bigliest and best ideas completely come from here. Just ignore my foreign wife and stuff with my name on it outside the USA because that stuff isn’t real.
Oh I intellectually realize that waving the bloody flag is immensely successful and I know why the reasons behind it work, but damn is it hard to be viewed as a traitor and scum for wanting to improve the country itself.
Agreed on that, but I wish the choice wasn’t between either of them.