The Bullshit is too Damn High!

No, except he isn’t standing up to anything he is taking actions many before him have taken. The problem with him is he has no idea of how foreign diplomacy works and thus no idea how to actually respond without starting a war which in its opening moments will destroy Seoul. And if we are going to stand up to this one

This is the new strategy of the administration - keep Trump on the golf course away from his phone while the crisis blows over so no tweets can make it worse.

I really cannot stand how patriotism in the USA is now defined by most of the media, and sadly actual voters, as support our violence. Patriotism surely cannot be trying to make things better for the citizens of the USA oh hell no!

Donald’s supporters won’t support a D? I thought that was all they supported.

Or the concept of consequences at all. Reminds me of someone I know who if they punched you in the face and you punched them back immediately would yell about how you are mean and they didn’t know why you punched them. They seriously did not understand how that works.

I do not like Hilary or Trump. Trump because he is truly bat guano eating crazy and/or in the throes of dementia (as they are not mutually exclusive). Hilary because she was a proud student and follower of Kissinger. But sure as I’m not named Bigliest Dictator of the Most Holy Planet Earth would vastly prefer Hilary

I agree with you about the movie. But trying to fix healthcare, education, and infrastructure should not start by saying fuck those poor people take away the money. It should be done by focusing on studying where programs work and then trying to emulate those in the rest of the USA. A big key to this would be not

But I am 100% sure he remembers every detail of the Red Velvet cake he was surely eating when he approved/not approved this.

I remember one time as a kid living on the base they did a military show and all the families were there in the stands and this A-10 comes flying right overhead and obliterated this old tank. So loud so awesome!

And I despise the F-35. All I can think about with our military’s current obsession of shiny toys no matter the cost is Arthur C. Clarke’s Superiority.

The development budget for this weapon was 314 million and we have used it once.

Again not necessarily against defense spending in and of itself. I simply feel that we are way to quick as a country to deny changing the budget to help its residents before building a bigger war chest. I am appalled though at how often the pentagon’s projects go way over budget and the idiotic spending choices.

Again just to develop this bomb we have used once was $314 million:

Yes, but we have to start somewhere, and given development costs and surely the insane cost overruns for making this weapon I figure it was around 300 million to use this one time in ten years.

I freely admit my hair is running away as fast as all the women from this guy.

Which is why I specifically said hire teachers, not fix all of education.

I also wonder what kind of cake he was eating when he bombed Pakistan ... I mean Afghanistan.

So we just spent over $300 million to use this once...tell me again why we cannot fix our roads, healthcare and hire teachers? What exactly is our huge defense budget protecting?

Darth Cheeto

Waiting for their cash enema from corporat...I mean people that’s right almost forgot about citizen’s united.