The Bullshit is too Damn High!

Can we add ‘member of congress’ to the list of pre-existing conditions so they can all be denied health care since they obviously can afford it.

God I need to check dates on all these might intrest you stories. Im going home Im drunk.

Seriously so much rests on how well the Judiciary can continue to avoid being subsumed into the trumpster fire.

I said it in another post. Low voter turnout is ultimately the biggest problem in elections in America not reflecting the actual will of the people. Gerrymandering being the second biggest issue. I hate this apathy and even worse hopelessness so evident in most of Americans today.

Found one for you, pretty sure they will trade for a NES classic.

So this would be okay to pursue as a hate crime if the hate crime law was applied to every crime the same way (if the legal system in the US was fair)...but its not, so this is not okay to use as a hate crime case imo.

Now playing

Despite these highly unpopular bills being supported by republican politicians they will continue to get reelected for two reasons: very low voter turnout and gerrymandering (or as I’ve heard it put politicians choosing their voters). Since we stupidly designed a system to appease the slave owning south called the

It’s almost like the Repubs want the west coast to quit the union.

No, you have my attention.

Problem with this is that the Royal family takes an allowance to support their lifestyle and position while leaving all the rest of the income from their holdings to the government. I cannot find the video at the moment but it would cost the British people far more to remove the royals then to leave them alone

I am white but when very young my mom married my dad who is Hispanic. So my entire life I have lived in a Hispanic family. Now as an adult many white people will start discussing immigration and those people and they have no idea why i’m mad until I tell them my last name.

Fuck these test tube babies called republicans in congress. I mean they have to be tubed and reared in a lab to hate their own mothers enough to support this kind of bullshit.

Not dedicated enough. If he truly the zodiac killer he needed to commit the crimes while driving the Ford Taurus, Dodge Aries, Microcar Virgo, Merkur Scorpio, and the Isuzu Gemini. Of course if he was a car builder and the zodiac killer he should have also designed and used cars for the other zodiac signs.

How about not adding 54 billion to the military budget and trying to build a stupid ass 30 billion dollar wall which not only will it be a waste of money it will be useless and a recurring thing needing to be fixed. And using that money to start the decades long infrastructure rebuild America needs, not to mention all

Sadly given the effort that many militias and racist groups (who also tend to be heavily mysogynistic) have placed on trying to infiltrate law enforcement this response to the problem is expected. I say sadly because I agree with you that the response should be better police work and more support from everyday people