
That does help a bit. I know that two of my friends and I don’t want kids until our 30's (although If i can ever get a date I’d like be be engaged by 26 or so) but I know my roommate really wants marriage and kids so none of us would be surprised if she has both by our 5 year.

That really sucks I’m sorry. Is there anyone you can contact about that?

I don’t have any experience myself but I would plug JustNoMIL on reddit I found it though hoping around some advice subs about dealing with my dad’s overstepping GF and my Just No of a grandmother coming to graduation. Good Luck.

I hope so. I have heard that the corps in the region are close and its one of their most successful regions but I also didn’t manage to bond with anyone when we all had our visiting/ interviewing weekend back in march. There are so people I know from college doing it but in different regions and i have mixed feelings

TFA, I am teaching middle school history. I had been a tutor and classroom assistant for years and after teaching middle school as a teaching fellow with a non-profit last year and loving it and also apparently being like really good at it I realized that I wanted to give teaching a shot. So I have a two year contract

I just really don’t want to loose touch with my college friends its tearing me up inside. I hated HS and even tried to get my parents to let me graduate a year early (I failed) so I have never felt like this before. I just love my friends and all I can see is them going on to meet new people and me just being stuck. I

Thank you <3 I’m trying not to let all the negative thoughts when but all I see when I look into the future is this dark abyss and I don’t know how to stop feeling this.

Yep, that’s what I expected. Nobody who has those bangs is a nice person #sorrynotsorry

I brought this up a couple weeks ago. I don’t know what caused the large drop off but I do know the new kinja makes it harder for people in the grey’s because you can’t really see them

Me! I thought I was going to major in history and go straight to Harvard law after. Well I did psych and poli sci and I am going to teach for 2 years and then decide if I will go to law school. So not dramatically different but not the exact path.

Last night way too much wine and vodka after a really shitty day (thesis) tonight too many energy drinks because I have a monday final I have not done any reading for.

What the hell kind of lawyer says “race card”

Hey SNS, I’m having a really rough time. I turned in my thesis yesterday but I was not able to finish my edits and my advisor and I had a miscommunication about when it was due (it was always midnight for things in the past) and she said she would grade the current version so I am freaking out. And I have a final on

I also loved when he passed her off to his partner

I don’t like the Kardashians but these kids are all adorable though I expect 80% of them to be monsters by 16

No YOU deal with her. Dying

I just watched for the first time and she is complaining about kids getting injured and costing the city money?? Like what? I feel on a grill lid as a baby because my parents didn’t know that I could run yet and I did, tripped and landed on the lid. I still have a small scar but it wasn’t even a thing.

My stomach turned just thinking about it.

I don’t think they should have been fired (just a reprimand) BUT I feel like they should have known better than to play explicit music.

See I’m still invisible so at least I have consistency? Yeah imma go cry in a corner now.