
I love her

I just got the breaking news update and have no idea what to think of this. What the hell is going on

I was going to ask the same thing. These ads are blatantly obvious to me

I wish a black hole would open up and take the Kardashian/Jenner family and anyone else like them

No way Tiffany got into Georgetown on merit

Honestly I am just so sick of this show. You cannot escape discussions about it. It’s really not that good and its just a revenge fantasy that plays on the beautiful dead girl and manic pixie dream girl troupes  

I would spend so much money on this, I am forever running out of space in my shower

I agree this dress would not look good on anyone.

Not really feeling it

Dear God and I thought nothing could surprise me anymore

Keeping it classy OC and forever reminding the rest of us that you are a pit stain on an otherwise lovely state

For my own sanity please tell me this is fake

I hated this book. Hannah is horrible and the book glamorizes suicide as some sort of revenge fantasy

My dad always told us the average American is dumber than a bag of rocks. I had hoped people were better than that but 2016 really showed me

Missed SNS and lost the password to my account so I had to make a new one. I was wondering if anyone could share their acne treatment stories. I have had severe cystic acne for 6 years and have super sensitive skin that freaks out over most common ingredients so I haven’t had much luck with acne treatment so far. My

You sound pretty racist #sorrynotsorry