You have no idea how the DIME paradigm works, do you?
You have no idea how the DIME paradigm works, do you?
The President publishes and submits a budget proposal every year. Congress then takes this inputs add their spin on it then passes it. It is then approved and signed by the President. Please do the world and favor and don’t vote until you gain some wiki level knowledge.
Actually battleships were viciously effective when deployed as part of a combined armed operations, it’s when they were individually deployed or in harbor that they proved vulnerable.
I suspect it has more to do with force modernization, than anything else.
For a more descriptive explanation and for those yearning for the glory of old FA. Tyler wrote on the exact same subject.
Wait wut?!? You can’t cut a deficit if you can’t pass a budget! Now credit, where credit is due, he had the worse congress in American history, but still.
The U.S. tried that for a number of years. It turns out a weapon that everyone knows you won’t use isn’t worth much.
Oh there it is. Found it. Just commenting to bring it higher in the stack.
Even a coordinated barrage probably wouldn’t sink one, but you brought up a good point. A mission kill is possible. Also these are Lexington class ships, you can’t jus liberally apply tack welding and elbow grease to make them mission capable again.
Met a strike pilot once and I asked him about those unsinkable non-mobile bases. He gave me a sinister smile and said “Targets”
both of those are carrier based aircraft.
It’s spirit lives on.
Others would argue otherwise. Decommisioning the Enterprise left the Navy in a bit of a lurch.
No weapon system is invisible or invincible. However the carrier isn’t just a ship, it’s just a node of a battlegroup. It has airborne radar that can see as far or farther than anyone else, it also has antisubmarine defenses miles deep and they’re just getting deeper.
Battleships had/have their niche. They proved extremely vulnerable when sailing alone and when overwhelmed by aircraft; however they were near unstoppable when combined with carriers, as the U.S. Pacific Fleet proved.
Which is 30 kts faster than any Air Force base.
Every one of those air bases has a known coordinate, and it’s arrogant to think that other’s don’t have similar long range strike capability.
Hard to say.
The ocean is the most caustic and destructive environment on Earth. Unless your ship is a disposable, thin skinned, oil buring tub only meant to last a decade or so, you’re going to spend alot of time fixing it.
The national debt doubled while not a single budget was passed. The military has been exhausted fighting in several undeclared wars over the past 16 years, and 1 declared war that we supposedly already won. Actually planning on spending, and recognizing that defenses need to be rebuilt, isn’t entirely dumb.