Adrian Werner

I think Percy also simply is getting more used to the format. His initial Green Arrow issues were the first comics he ever wrote and that medium is very different from novels, which are his primary craft.

Ehh…not feeling it. The original worked because Van Damme had a lot of on screen charisma. It was impossible not to like that guy. This one looks like charisma void. I expect that by the end of this movie I will be hoping this dude gets beated to hell and his teacher will apear to beat the shit out of Tong Po

When he beat the shit out of that kid…wow. That's something I never expected a lead hero of a tv show to do, but it was glorious :)

I remember reading that revealing how the whole thing would end was a condition HBO set. They knew he was slow as hell writer (altough probably not to the degree he turned out to be) and pretty old one, so they needed that information as a safety measure. Without it the show wouldn't have been greenlit.

I hope they won't make Azrael a damn jobber. Lore wise he's far above what any peak human could achieve. Dude should be at least Deathstroke-level.

Hatred? They have it three whole seasons and insane creative freedom, despite it having absolutely terrible ratings.

I loved how much the show could turn around my view of the characters who I percieved as evil a first. Not just Smith, but in this episode I actually gained respect fot the japanese inspector. He has done some monstrous things, but in this ep he has shown such a deep selfless love for his country, that it was

That would be interesting character, but it wouldn't be Bond anymore. It's especially problematic, since the character is the only thing that distinguishes the IP. Once you change him too much there's nothing of the IP left. It's not like other series where there's interesting setting, unique villain or quirky

I think being a chauvinist pig is cruicial part of Bond character. So I'm game for racial change, but not for gender one.

Yes. Everybody who wants Felicity dead or amnesiac is secretly a huge fan of Olicity drama. Because the only thing that would acomplish is to start another romance cycle for Oliver. If somebody wants less romance in the show the only way to acomplish that is to have Oliver in steady secure relationship with Felicity.

I think the advantage of social media is in those situations is mostly finding comprades for shared suffering, which always lessen the grief.

Bill Fisk wouldn't leave his blind child alone to be shipped to orphanage. Kingpin had a better father than Matt :)

Hmm..tough choice. At least he waited till Clark was adult before commiting suicide though :)

Matt's father takes the award for The Worst TV Dad Of The Year, easily. And TV is filled with bad parents. Heck, there's plenty in superhero tv genre, but nobody was as terrible as Jack Murdock.

Very fun episode. One of the best acting Ammell has ever done, amezeballs Ra's, finally Olicity as it should be (she makes for a great girlfriend, it's when they try to put drama there where it falls apart).
Even flashbacks were great this week. Sure, the soldiers had stormtroopers syndrome, but aside from that the

A weaker run of Hellblazer is still better than 99% of comics getting release these days though :)

Neither was Brian Azzarello, Darko Macan or Denise Mina

I don't see how Ming and Tynion won't be a huge improvement over New 52's Constantine though. It can only go up IMO :D

Great episode. Both action-wise and character development. This season was rough in some places, but I love where it brought the whole storyline. We now had Roy who's just total bro and worth cheering for. We got Thea would could put up at least a tiny bit of fight against Ra's (and who's going to probably get very

Wow. What an episode. Dear God. I felt like this season Reese has been getting the shaft, but it payed out so beautifully here. Hats off POI team. Hats off.