Getting Hilary Duff to play Sharon Tate is like using Jack in a Box as a substitute for Shake Shack.
Getting Hilary Duff to play Sharon Tate is like using Jack in a Box as a substitute for Shake Shack.
It would also be the only viable role for Smollett to play after this.
Isn’t that a bit redundant?
Jennifer sounds like she breastfed Joshua until he was 4.
I feel like Tyra is like that ex who continues to make passive aggressive swipes at you years after the relationship ended and you’re all like “who are you again”?
Michael Sheen is friggin’ Marlon Brando by comparison.
I saw this at TIFF way back in September. The dance sequences really are the best part of the film--everything else feels like Gaspar-lite which is either a positive or negative depending on your taste.
No but your comment makes you a bitter nobody with unfortunate access to a platform.
But it’s usually not even “her” last name, it’s her father’s. The cycle of patriarchy, amirite.
He’s maybe one of those things at best.
This is first-level trolling but I actually agree with the general sentiment. Jake’s biggest talent is choosing scripts, not actual acting. I find that, outside of a few films e.g. Donnie Darko, some of Brokeback Mountain, he’s a transparent try-hard whose Oscar-begging is nearing pre-win DiCaprio territory.
Don’t agree at all. I think she’s legitimately great in Chinatown, even if her general theatrical style of acting hasn’t aged particularly well. There’s a reason why she was the most in demand actress of her era, alongside Julie Christie and Jane Fonda. I’d argue she’s pretty easily the weakest thespian out of the…
Dunaway in her prime was a top-tier actress, i.e., Chinatown, Network, et al. She just had an abrupt and unrecoverable decline, unfortunately.
Whoa, I love these “coulda been” scenarios. I couldn’t see Faye or her teeth in Burstyn’s role (although she is a great actress in her own right - people forget that), but the other choices, especially Ribisi and Chappelle, have viability. Campbell I’m a a little shakier on just because Connelly owned that role so…
Honestly, you need to stop. There is no objective standard on what is dark skinned and what isn’t.
This is her cross to bear as a non-black ethnic minority: you have a very important message to convey about how crucial and timely it is to have proportionate and fair representation of ALL races in the media and yet you constantly undercut this message by pitching a “but what about us??” tone and clumsily citing…
Angie must be screaming into her Louis Vuitton purse.
Someone is really vying for that gold medal in the Oppression Olympics.
Easiest round of “Marry, Fuck, Kill” ever.
Yeah, no, you can suck it with that arugula take.