Yeah, the Biebs just loves nesting in the entire country of Canada. Christ, judging by the writer’s description s/he probaly thinks it’s an extension of Maine.
Yeah, the Biebs just loves nesting in the entire country of Canada. Christ, judging by the writer’s description s/he probaly thinks it’s an extension of Maine.
Nail hit on the head. I conjecture that a lot of mens’ distorted ideas about women stem from unresolved issues with their mother.
She’s Reese Witherspoon merged with a chipmunk.
I’m a 6'2", 175 lb man, you dipshit.
Their clothing is tacky and ugly but try again.
I don’t even think being home to Amazon’s HQ would be enough to expedite sufficient funding for our pathetically inadequate transit system. Oh, I’m sure there would be plans drafted...and probaly none of them would be actualized before 2025.
Because the reasons for a divorce always falls on one party, right? You don’t sound enlightened.
He also dated Sasha Lane for a bit. Like, everyone has a type but his seems SUPER SPECIFIC.
Honestly I find her totally unremarkable looking, like a pointy-featured girl who went to the plastic surgeon and demanded “make me look as much like 90s Bridget Hall as possible but minus the freshness”.
Honestly, I’m down for it except for the capers. I think they’d directly conflict with the raisins.
Hemsworth is a butterface with marginal acting talent. But he’s still ahead of Pratt, that I can get on board with. Pine and Evans are easily at the top.
Just one of many reasons to be Team Shake Shack.
There’s also a leaked vid of him rubbing one out. It’s nice.
Can you read? I said she LOOKS 14.
The fact that Ariana still looks 14 makes his comment really creepy to me. Sorry.
Not much to add except that guy literally looks like a Troll Doll.
You must’ve missed about half of their history.
She maintained the status quo by referring to Christine Hallquist as “that transgender”.
You made a snap judgement from the trailer and feel vindicated off of one person’s review. It doesn’t work that way.
Aaaaaand her arc is complete.