Adrian B

So yeah, the "myth" of it all, and of Jeff Mangum, is kind of ridiculous, and it's pretty silly that he's coasted off this for the last 15 years.

They are changing the system by going around the country and doing "talks" for $50 a ticket? WOW! REVOLUTIONARIES!

Sure she was, because she only appeared in Frank Miller's brilliant run.

"…and while I fully expected Elektra to be killed off on this series (it’s sadly an inescapable part of her story), I didn’t expect it to happen so soon and so anticlimactically…"

AV Club is too busy talking about walking pile of talentless shit MegHAN TrahNOR to give a fuck about some random Death Grips band, whomever they are.

How do you get a paycheck, dude?

Three of your last four picks are wrong. Guess which one is right!

What? Listen, this is good TV. If this was, like, Masters of Sex or some other Showtime program, I'd get it.

I don't believe anything in this post actually happened. It was probably more "Ohhhhhh, what? Dey ain't hurtin' nobody!" And "Eyyyy dis is America theys should be ables to dos what dey wants, capice?"


Oh boy! Maybe it'll be like her HILARIOUS Bud Light commericals.


A-RAP, RAP, RAPPITY RAP RAP! Noah's Arcade Rap Commerical>Hamilton

The hyperbole in this and the Noisey article is staggering. STAGGERING.

Way to take a stand against not being an idiot! You're so brave!

"Fans and critics alike derided the ending of True Detective season one…" No they didn't. You're just saying this so you can make your point. Bad writing.

"What can I say, I love wasting money!" - Bill Walton standing on the side of a volcano expousing his love of the Grateful Dead.

The typo of "The American Of The American Rabbit" is just wonderful, given the context.

This is a super bizarre post. Joker broke his own neck for the specific reason of FRAMING Bats. I've didn't realize it was open for interpretation.