Also, how do you know the photo was taken in Raleigh? Because I swear it’s me and I’ve never been to Raleigh. Unless I have a doppelgänger out there who has the same coat and hair. And face. Which is absolutely possible.
Also, how do you know the photo was taken in Raleigh? Because I swear it’s me and I’ve never been to Raleigh. Unless I have a doppelgänger out there who has the same coat and hair. And face. Which is absolutely possible.
What! What’s the question???????
I would love to know who made it, if only to find out who may have taken the photo of me and like, the story behind it
When you go through traumatic experiences with people you feel a strong kinship. She may deserve much better than Ron but Ron knows what she went through.
Eh - Ron was a teenager. he wasn’t perfect and made mistakes. He was slow go mature. Most of us were assholes when we were 16! He came around
Wyden! represent.
I’m tired of people calling these people billionaires. There’s no way she is a billionaire and neither is her father. They want you to think they are. They are not.
God they’re beautiful
His parents passed away and he inherited family money
The world has passed a no return point of devastation. Folks are now trying to slow the steady decline of natural resources, world-wide food availability, and livable conditions for humans because all those things are going away rapidly. Furthermore, these problems will hit poorer countries and poorer citizens of…
I saw a therapist a few years ago who I talked with about this same problem. When people would attack me verbally (as had been going on my whole life) I would shut down. She said it’s how my brain works and it’s not uncommon. It’s a brain function thing. I don’t remember a lot more about what she said (long time…
NO. It’s because white men are applauded for being mediocre.
Ok. Literally I am surprised by this. This means something. This woman CAN smile and does smile but literally never does when she’s with her husband. And she looks pleasant! And she literally never does with him.
He can haunt me!
yeah, I heard that one! I don’t like his delivery. I’m like dude, just chill a little
I can’t handle snap judgment!
I know. I’m very surprised by this whole thread. I thought Radiolab was universally adored.
Um, no, no, no and also, no