It’s on I didn’t get there on time for the beginning of the stream and was nervous but for me, I was able to start it :)
It’s on I didn’t get there on time for the beginning of the stream and was nervous but for me, I was able to start it :)
Is he a friggin cartoon character? Are those even real facial expressions?
One thousand stars!
Nah dude. You made sweeping, generalized statements that were not backed by facts. Your arguments lack understanding and nuance and have been proven wrong months and months ago. You’ll pulling back now because so many folks on this thread took you to task. Not a single person on this thread thinks she’s a “perfect…
Why does it look like there is a hand coming out from under the table and is holding onto Barron’s bum?
She chose this. She was offered the daily show but didn’t want the 4 nights a week grind
Oooohhhhh. I’m so sorry you have to deal with that. love and support to you
Ah! :( The Woman is gorgeous and brilliant and the only woman who could match Sherlock. Mrs. Hudson is adorable, loving, and London would fall without her. Molly Hooper saves the day all the time and is incredibly intelligent. And those are just the main characters
Like the guy running for Governor in Oregon who said educated women don’t have to worry about getting assulted
It’s not a joke. If you think that lady doesn’t work hard and doesn’t know exactly what she’s doing, you are wrong.
She attended the Sorbonne? And more than just, like, a month summer class?
Oh, Ok. You were just trying to be witty by referencing a comment made by an actual witty person. Thanks for adding something of substance to the conversation.
Ugh. I’m so sick of this. She is a perfectly lovely looking woman. They took one horrible photo of her and plastered it all over the internet. It’s disgusting and sad. She is perfectly lovely and beautiful and if you don’t think so I am sad for you and my god, your standards of beauty are so fucked up
Can you elaborate? what does that even mean?
It’s totally strange. Tiffany and Ivanka really are really beautiful women.
I miss old Jez where there were so many less negative comments. If you aren’t into something, come on, just don’t comment. Did your mother never teach you, “if you don’t have anything nice to day, don’t say it at all?” Can we please have a positive atmosphere? Don’t click, don’t read, don’t comment if you aren’t…
Ok. This has been explained at length before, but I’ll say it again: One of the reasons royal children are dressed that way for security. The public has THAT image in their heads of what the kids look like, so that on normal days they can dress them in normal kids clothes and they can go to the park and other…
What? I think you must be trolling, because what you just said you do“But if they have a pic of them doing a keg stand on the first page, then we pass.” Is exactly what I said I do. You check. I check. We both check. Geez man. Also, a lot is two words.
That’s not true. I check all social media accounts for potential employees and if anything shows poor judgment, drama, or immaturity - no interview
I don’t know, man. I think Britney looks gorgeous and I am pro Britney ALWAYS. But her face has changed so much in the past 5 years, I worry what she sees and how she feels when she looks in the mirror. That isn’t Britney’s face anymore.