"A dress" - Calvin Klein

Thank you! We are in the general “off handed snide remarks about pregnant celebs having babies” at this point, but I try not to bring it up unless she wants to discuss it. I haven’t been through this, so I don’t presume to know how it feels, what someone needs, etc. I can only hope I’m being supportive and a good

Same!!! Totally the same. She tells me when she’s getting inseminated (aka “turkey baster time tomorrow!”). And I respond “tell those fucking sperm to swim, dammit”. (I know it’s not all the sperms fault! No blame here!)

Thanks! This sounds a lot like what she/I have been going through (obviously really she, but “i” as in the person who needs the advice!) I have taken the time to ask “what can I do/what do you need?” (something I learned from this site!) and I think it has been working for the most part. She has a deathly sarcastic

Thanks so much! I try to support in every way I can come up with. And you’re right - it’s obviously different for everyone (I.e. I will not be sharing this story with her - but others may find it great!). Thanks again. And good luck!! May you have many poor, slutty, heathen babies (if you want many - totally up to

Also congrats to the Clooney family!

This probably is not the 100% right place to ask this, but it’s a baby post so: does anyone have any advice on how to comfort a friend who is going through fertility issues? She’s pretty far along with them and is actively looking to adopt (which I think is amazing!). But understandably she’s still having a rough

I can’t stop laughing at this! “WHAT DID YOU SAY?” Hahaha.

Technically it’s a “biweekly American history podcast”. There are episodes about everything from the Tylenol murders to Hitler youth camps to the history of Thanksgiving. Their most recent, the race to the North Pole, was really great, and I just finished one about the life of the guy who “crocodile Dundee” was based

Yay! Fellow murderino!! I also started listening to The Dollop because of their association (recs and special guest episodes) and it’s hilarious! The episode about the invention of cars was great (among other amazing ones)!

Haha. Thanks! (My mom said the same thing!)

I can see why others don’t like it, too -most of my friends couldn’t get through one episode. But that’s ok! Also the reason I’m going solo to the show. I find sword and scale too graphic most of the time, so this is more my speed. #elvisyouwantaccookie?

I LOVE My Favorite Murder!! I’m going to see their live posdcast in March and I’m stoked. I enjoy the banter because I find a lot of it super relatable. #staysexy

She looks amazing. Great shoot. And I was so freaking excited because her hair color is exactly what mine is. Finally! I’m on trend. (PS I sent it to some friends to make sure I wasn’t seeing things and it was confirmed that Rihanna goes to my colorist - it’s eerily similar).

I read that and my eyes rolled so far back into my head I felt like the Maitlands in Beetlejuice. Raised awareness for what??? Your idiocracy? Mission accomplished!

As childish as it sounds, I just need people to start being nice to each other, dammit! Come on! Does Dr. Luke really need $1.3 million? Jeez. This has gone on long enough. Just move on, let this die already and let Kesha heal and get on with her life!

My family will never let me live it down. And the mistaken identity has been happening for the past 10 years. It won’t let up. Mortifying!

Apropos of nothing, just a minor side note for levity, I used to have a crush on Bourdain. As he came into the public eye, people started stopping my father on the street assuming he was Bourdain. That crush was quashed very quickly.

I went with a friend to an Applebee’s for the first time in my life before I saw the first movie. At 11am. Purely to drink. Had to sit at the bar because they wouldn’t serve alcohol at tables before noon. Can’t say I’m proud. But at the same time...that two glasses of wine definitely helped. I laughed the entire time.

Starred for use of Cher Horowitz (among other things).

I am always hoping for some really great gossip to pull me out of the lizard king from a slimy hell news (which I keep up on but enjoy some mindlessness now and then). And this....sigh. I really need a Katie Holmes tell all book right about now. Katie! Give us something to look forward to, here!