
What is white privilege?

What specific rights will Trump roll back for minorities and women?

From her original post: “I want white women especially to be on the receiving end of all the bad shzt that can happen. They deserve to feel the pain first.”

Nobody’s judging you on your right to protest. You see a problem and you are working actively to fix it, that’s wonderful.

No, my relatives are Americans. Aside from taxes, there’s really nothing the government can “come at my relatives” for.

No, 53% of American women had the RIGHT to vote for Trump, NOT the privilege. Big difference. Just as you had the RIGHT to vote for whomever you did.

Why would I campaign for someone I don’t agree with? She mishandled classified information. In my line of work, that’s a no-no. I would be in jail had I done the same thing. So no, I didn’t support her. The difference is that I didn’t balk at the folks who did.

You CAN’T be racist? Are you kidding me? Why, because you’re black?

Google Devos protests.


Not case in point. You’re generalizing again. According to you, NO WHITE WOMEN fought against Devos? Okay.....

53% of white women voted for Trump, not 100%. Yet, you want to generalize your hate on ALL white women. Women of all colors support other women. Look at the March on Washington a few weeks ago.

“gain a higher place in the racial hierarchy.....establishing your ethnicity as the home of violent, murderous the bodies piled up....worthless thugs”

Yeah because they can’t think for themselves.

That’s true I guess. As long as those folks are legal, who cares!

Your racism is showing.

No he has an encrypted phone after he took office and had his twitter account added to it.

From your article:

Please Root, tell me what I should consider racist tomorrow! Today, it’s the Patriots. Tomorrow, maybe McDonalds?

Men can wake up and become women and vice versa. Why can’t I wake up and be black one day?