Adrastra, patron saint of not giving a fuck

A few months ago I was creeping onremembering a guy that I went on one date with some years back. Just a google search and I saw that he had lost his Physician’s Assistant license for photographing a patient’s penis in the ER. Apparently this was a trend of his as there was an investigation into him that ended with a

I know from my doctor sibling’s experience that they very much already go over “don’t be inappropriate with cadavers or people’s body parts” in medical school. Whether people ignore this or not, well - it’s clear they ignore it. 

Harry states he specifically asked the aides has the threat level changed because our roles changed? The answer was no. It is the firm’s responsibility to recognize the difference in the racial hatred being directed at Meghan and her child. The fact is that child could have gone unnoticed as any other mixed race

Please note that Mortal Dictatas analysis is very pro-monarchy and quite probably very English.

Bruhhh this is so embarrassing. Imagine being as rich and successful as this and still giving a shit about a throwaway line from a not very good netflix show. Just go take a bath in diamonds or something, Taylor. 

I was fortunate to get a job less than half an hour from this view, and that this apartment was available. Even after several months of apartment research, with such limited availability in these buildings, I was not sure if anything would actually be available when I was ready to rent. And then, too, there was no

It’s a beautiful day on the shores of Lake Erie. The best part is that it is warm enough for the first time this year for kids to run around outside.

Fuck this guy, and any one else like him. It hasn’t even been a month. There’s no room for this nonsense, especially during the first 100 days with the administration still establishing itself with the rest of the government, and the press. Why is it so hard to go to a job, and act like a goddamn professional?

I don’t work in media, but if anyone in my workplace ever exhibits this kind of behavior they’d be fired. Where the fuck does he get off on bypassing a male counterpart to berate a woman who didn’t take part in that initial direct interaction?

So your main takeaway from her post is that she writes funny, not that there was some (at the least) creepy shit going on that they had to make a rule like that in the first place? She was like 14 years old.

Sad to see Barf Bag go, but glad to know it is with hope there won’t be a need for Barf Bag.

ditto. also not convinced about the degree of Karlie Kloss’s “political power”? we have developed such weird expectations for celebrities.

I was thinking the same thing - Gevinson is full of shit here. Kloss can’t make them do anything, and we have no idea what the relationship between her husband and his brother is like (given the shit that Jared Kushner’s dad got up to, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s not a lot of love lost). All she can do is take

“Resistance Barbie” is a very sick little burn, 10 points to Tavi.

I call horseshit on Gevinson’s “sick burn.” I don’t have any strong feelings about Kloss as a celebrity in general, but as everyone has noted, Kloss is married to the non-evil brother, and as everyone has also noted, there’s jackshit you can do to change the mind of a true MAGA Kool-Aid drinker, family or not. She has

I love how a girlfriend’s highly specific and unprompted statement, corroborated by a lawyer who also represented the alleged bomb builder, that the guy was building bombs in an identified location is seen as insufficient for a warrant to search said location, but...

I love how a girlfriend’s highly specific and unprompted statement, corroborated by a lawyer who also represented the alleged bomb builder, that the guy was building bombs in an identified location is seen as insufficient for a warrant to search said location, but...

but how will the consultants justify their insanely bloated contracts if they don’t deliver efficiencies or harness technologies or produce customized algorithms??

RUN HAYLEY.  I don’t believe any of this given the sourcing, but if even a smattering of it is true, for the love of Xenu, RUN HAYLEY, RUN!!!!!!