
Really neat to see the behind the scenes. I both like and dislike Dave Hills work at the same time hehe. Sometimes he just nails over the top lighting and does it well.. other times in my opinion he goes to far with it. But... that's the beautiful thing about photography its so subjective.

Obviously some of it is used as energy more immediately but the thing about simple sugars is that they are broken down at a higher rate then complex carbs. (people also tend to eat far more of a food containing simple sugars then there body could even use as energy immediately) These simple sugars are converted into

Agree, though I prefer my RS2i over the RS1 for the type of music I listen to.

I am not trying to bash you but I don't agree with you and believe the message of starving yourself to lose weight can be dangerous advice. I used to be much heavier and I didn't have to starve myself at all to lose my weight. Starving yourself depending on how you do it can actually work against weight loss as it

Sorry I should clarify, I am not referring to their actual energy system/grid I am referring to the reactors themselves (not just these ones but worldwide). The process used to create energy in the reactors is very inefficient.

Wonder how long we are going to keep using these grossly inefficient horribly designed reactors. It blows my mind that governments aren't champing at the bit to get liquid fluoride thorium reactors built instead. So much safer then what we have now too.

Does this new user license apply to JUST Lightroom education licenses or the adobe suites as well. I can't see them doing it for something like the education Master Collection or Design Premium of which I both legally own a paid license for.. but I can hope!?

As a daywalker red head I fully support the goal of this game... I will hunt every other red head down.... there can only be one.......they will never see me coming.

Agree with the Grado suggestion, a truly great brand of headphones. Worked my way up from their cheaper headphones and loved them so much that I am now using the RS2i's and haven't found a pair of cans in their price range that I have liked more. Lil Wayne is just showing what beats headphones are... an over priced

Had to buy a Macbook pro pretty much with all the bells and whistles for college because its a requirement of the program. I really didn't want to get it, sure its pretty but I hated being ripped off. I have built my own PC's since I was in my early teens and know the cost of components. I knew I was getting something

It would be so weird not using a multi-monitor setup now.. I think after you have it you will likely never want to go back. I do 3 monitors on my desktop computer for eyefinity gaming, video editing and photo editing and then a 4th monitor in a portrait orientation for a laptop (For browsing the internet/reading PDF's

I am happy with this D800 and especially the option to not have an anti-aliasing filter . I shoot in the studio most of the time and if I am on location somewhere I am using a pack and head system or monolights. This is a great option for people like me who tend to keep the camera at 200 iso anyways. I was expecting a


"The only truly bad thing about this phone is the camera." UGGHH !!! Been waiting to get a new phone for to long now and thought the Galaxy Nexus would be it... I can forgive the underwhelming CPU/GPU choice and no card slot but I was really REALLY hoping the camera would be great. I didn't even mind the 5MP sensor as

Giz sure is good at writing contradictory articles sometimes... like they don't even read what they wrote in the article themselves. "Mother Says World of Warcraft Turned Her Child Into Aggressive School-Skipping Hunchback" Same for the first paragraph... and then they follow with this half way through the article

I find that in the photography industry waaayyy to many people go overboard with skin softening. When your subject doesn't have pores... it just looks weird. Good tutorial though, I may have brushed in a bit more skin texture or went a little lower with the opacity but thats subjective.

Not sure how you could really tell without even seeing it in person or holding it yourself but I understand what you mean. I have larger hands and find the D700 and D3 way more comfortable then the smaller bodies with grips on. If its slightly smaller then the D700 I think it will be ok but the only real test I guess

Was really hoping for a magazine fed non bolt action Barrett rifle for this expansion. Would be super happy with either the M107A1 or M82A1. Going to be cool to get back into these levels after putting so many hours into them on BF2.

Really love using the Paul C. Buff Einstein's so I bought 5 of them. I have access to a lot of lighting gear ranging from monoheads to full pack and head systems by multiple lighting companies and always seem to prefer using my Einsteins. Using them with the Cyber Commander makes things sooo easy and efficient. As for

Love the SR325is, but just replaced them with the Grado RS2i. I still like to use them when I am walking to school or when I am out shooting (photos). I sometimes get a few strange looks from other pedestrians who probably think they are close back headphones turned up waaaayyyy to loud. I would never use them indoors