
Oh, you jest. “Personal responsibility” is GOP code for “No social programs for minorities.” The GOP’s base is more likely to take money and assistance from social programs, and if you point that out, they get really defensive, snarling that they worked for the money.

The Koch brothers will simply dump half a billion dollars on these jokers and then they’ll be up to their old tricks.

They backed off? Most unusual. Most conservatives only care about the Constitution if it supports their position at the current moment.

You pick the best options you have, and you stay involved, let them know you’re watching, your vote and their job is in on the line if they step out of the line. If you get someone horrible, stay involved, let them know you’re coming for them next election.

Until the post-baby boomer generations get it in our heads: democracy is not on autopilot, baby boomer do not have our best interests at heart and Republicans will happily sell our souls to the corporations. Call, Organize, Donate, Educate, Boycott, Vote, Volunteer.

Never forget that the right wing, though small in number, is evil, well funded, ruthlessly organized and has a memory that spans generations.

They’re also getting a massive budget cut in 2019 so that the corporations can get a massive tax cut.

Yes, Goblinslayer. Stever Miller is the goblin you’re looking for. Do your thing.

So instead of producing his birth certificate... Trump has to produce dick pix?

Because they’ve seen this story before.

No no, not a non sequitur. Neo Conservatism.

The Democratic political party... is a political party. It does not exist to defend minorities, protect the environment, or keep children out of cages. It exists to get Democratic politicians elected to office. Given the Republican platform of racism, greed, and environmental destruction, it’s easy to forget this.

Being a Democrat.
Being a woman.
Being pro-choice.

They have control of the supreme court. They’ve wanted this since the 1960s.

No. People have started thinking that Bush “wasn’t that bad,” but he’s still raising funds to keep the Republicans in control of the government. Do whatever you need to do to remind people that Bush was a disastrous incompetent.

He’ll do that anyway.

They do, in the process known as Voir Dire, but there’s a limit to how intensively they can check a potential juror’s answers. To the best of my knowledge, they don’t have the ability to check a juror’s social media history or anything else that would prevent a trumpist from claiming to be unbiased, “nope, never heard

Well, let’s go find two more.

Or not. Rape by strangers is not the norm. Most sexual assaults are committed by people the victim knows and often trusts: teachers, religious authorities, family members, significant others etc.