a dot mouse

I have to hope this is a “pick your battles” thing and that they are going to be more forceful against Sessions . They have to be because if they aren’t ... one we have to deal with Sessions but then we also have to deal with the fallout of that and midterm elections, etc and we don’t need to be any more divided .

She could believe it but what if she doesn’t believe it and feels she has no choice to say it? I doin’t know the marriage or the relationship but if she is in an abusive relationship I know that people say and do things because of abusive realtinships they dont agree with. Again this is if he is abusing her or

My legs never touch a bus seat or subway (I live in an area without public transportation). So I don’t have to worry about that. As for dust and dirty - if my legs are dusty, dirty, or I’ve been sweating a lot I’ll wash them but if I’m inside most of the day and not sweating then I’ll just rely on the soapy water and

For weekly laundry there only needs to be 7 washcloths and it’s not it’s not that much more effort to wash them.

I lived in VT for awhile and I always wondered how any one could really sustain themselves or be satisfied on a raw diet (of any kind) in the middle of winter. It’s winter and cold!

I have a relative whose name was changed when they were still a baby. It wasn’t changed drastically just to something that sounded similar. I don’t know if Mom regrets what she named me but she fought hard for my siblings name — Dad was going to use family names ( his family ) but she pushed back on that.

Her technique on the propeller obstacle was so good - the way she was able to catch the rope with her legs, stop her momentum and then swing. AND on the warped wall she didn’t need run up part of the warped wall and then turn and take a real shot at it to get momentum (the run up to the wall is shorter than I think

That’s something that is a problem for anyone who is under a certain height. This year there was a guy who was a rookie or maybe his 2nd year and he said Kasey inspired him to try out for ANW, because of his height (5'1" making him the shortest man to compete, prior to that I think it was 5'3") he thought he wouldn’t

It was pointed out in the Buzzfeed article that Hillary probably didn’t know anything and was just shaking hands and thanking everyone and that the action was seen as a threat when there wasn’t one. But it could have been anything.

I guess if guys wearing cargo shorts means they can’t let go it must mean the same for my collection of geeky t shirts. Most of which are mens because they don’t make many in my size in womens (at least that don’t cost an arm and a leg). I’d wear cargo shorts if I could find a pair that fit me. Maybe. My summer

You could have pulled things from the 40s, 50s, 60s, 80s, etc. It’s trends! I mean heck you could have posted pictures of cars from that era or hair styles or clothes. Trends are what everyhone wants and they go out of style. Some things may stick around but not all of it.

So the decor e for the most part won’t stay, it’s just staging. And almost every trend will be considered dated. Joanna’s style isn’t mine, it’s too much white but I love watching what they do and it’s interesting. It’s not for everyone and the thing is their aesthetic is going to be featured on the show and people

smith, of course there is outrage. one of the reasons I gave up xojane was se smith’s bad writing and .... over reactions.

I didn’t know about the age difference. And I won’t say “it was a different time” but I know that my great aunt (who would be over 100 at this point) married at 14 because my great grandfather died and my great grandmother sent all the kids away - my grandfather to a sort of boarding school, the youngest daughter to

I wash my hair almost every day. Sometimes I just use water and skip the shampoo. But I have really short hair and it depends on what kind of product (if I used product). Having hair that’s one day without shampoo can help me style. But mostly I wash my hair every day. I think 3 days is the longest I’ve gone between

Everyone talks about veterans but not everyone who has PTSD is a veteran. And not everyone who has issues with loud sudden noises has PTSD. It would be nice if fireworks were kept either to a minimum or only on 4th of July or only in designated areas. Right now due to stress my startle response is way higher than it