
Like those hipster kids who wear glasses with clear lenses because glasses are cool now. Fuck you guys I have to wear them to see!

Do they knock you out to do stuff to your eye? Because I would blink or re-enact the time when I was 7 and had to get a vaccination and I ran around the doctor's surgery screaming.

I have no idea how to PM you but I have a question which I would super appreciate getting an answer to.

She also thinks aborted fetuses are in vaccinations..*shudders*

Noo don't be sorry! It was like a happysad cry. Sad about your granny and my Oma but happy because it gave me hope =)

My Oma's just been diagnosed with cancer and, although this made me cry, it also, weirdly, made me feel a little better.

That made me cry. Dogs are the best!

Oh dogs. Never change!

PIRATE CAT! He is adorable and oh my god please post pictures.

It really does. That line 'sticks and stones...' is such a lie and I genuinely think people who have never been bullied don't understand how awful it is and how much of a mark it leaves. Big hugs to you.

I would like the one directly in the middle at the back please!

And she's smiling! Adorable

I cannot thank you enough for this.

As an ardent lover of dogs, particularly huskys and malamutes, that sounds like heaven. "Why can't I hug them all at once? There are too many!"

I'm not sure what I want more, her wardrobe, her talent or her.

Ooft I know right!

I got shouted at by a customer for telling the person before him to have a nice day. Customers be crazy.

Why was that not mentioned? Thank you internet person!

Thank you.

That must have been so irritating! Fair enough different strokes for different folks but why go to a vegetarian food place and complain because there's no meat? Were there no other cafes? I also wonder if those kind of people ever eat anything that doesn't have meat in it. What do they do for desserts?