
She'd join Scott Baio in claiming conservative celebrities are the real victims or something?

On that note, it's pretty telling that right wingers can't stand that Tomi is pro choice but found nothing wrong with all the condescending, clueless crap she has spewed about Black people and Black history.

Fox is so up in flames that it's like watching a Soap Opera.

So is Shep Smith the only person at Fox who isn't a total asshat?

I don't think I'd ever put Kevin James on Chris Rock's level though.


For what it's worth, I think the first criticism holds a heck of a lot more weight than the second.

A Sicilian restaurant?

So this show has been criticized for it's lack of diversity and being the personification of white feminism and now it's being criticized for having a baby whose skin is too dark?

My supervisor said he generally doesn't "take an interest in politics" so sadly he doesn't understand the workers who were distraught about the election.

At my father's place of work, he works around mostly Trump voters who are now freaking out that Trump will mess with their pensions or healthcare.

If it's being produced by Berlanti, I hope they use CW Wally West in Titans.

It's so annoying when right wingers claim there's some mass conspiracy against republican celebrities. Clint Eastwood is a known conservative actor, but he still gets work. Maybe Scott Baio, Stacey Dash and James Woods would get more work if they actually had talent. Not because they're republican.

It's a miracle that the Trumpkins aren't being louder where you work then. Where I am, they are more vocal than usual and still have the audacity to claim there's some persecution against them.

As an Italian American, I would like to take this time to apologize for these people's existences.

Well, Punisher did make his inaugural appearance in a Spider-Man comic.

On that second point though you're totally right. It's kind of mind boggling how Italian Americans can complain non stop about the supposed struggles their ancestors experienced and then don't show very much empathy to Asians or Latinos….

Hasn't De Niro gone all anti vaxxer lately though?

Well the fact that he's an unrepentant Trump supporter is surely a dead giveaway.

On behalf of all Italian Americans, I would like to apologize for Scott Baio's existence. Actually is it too late to apologize for Scalia and Joe Arpaio too?