
I really don't understand the hate for this movie. Yeah, it looks stupid but there's nothing wrong with that. To me it's like Naked Gun or Caddyshack - dumb but enjoyable. I'll probably have fun watching this no matter what the critical or bitter people think.

I was just about to say that. My parents are Italian born and they were saying the other day how much he reminds them of Mussolini.

I misread the title as Frank Grimes. All The Simpsons references on here are starting to get to me.

I still can't tell the difference between Gerard Butler and Russell Crowe.

With names like "Rocky" and "Bella" you know some Italians are behind this one.

A well-thought out and reasonable response about a sensitive subject? Are we sure the end of the world didn't happen?

I don't think it's all bad. There are some Marvel books I like. I enjoyed the new Ms. Marvel Kamala Khan ever since she was introduced and I sort of like what they've done with Spider-Man and the whole Parker Industries thing, but this just seems like straight up disrespect to me. There are other ways to change the

So Captain America, who was created by a Jewish guy as a way of getting back at nazis (punched Hitler in the face in his first appearance) is now being turned into a nazi in the main comics.

Can we just get Chris Evans as the canonical Captain America instead of this crap?

Does that BUGS you, Daffy?

I know the drill. I've been to the dentist several times.

I recently sent 10 puns to my friends to see if any would make them laugh.

Trolling or not, it seems pretty disrespectful to the legendary (and Jewish) Jack Kirby to have the character he created to be a symbol of fighting nazism end up being one himself.

Never in my life did I expect to see SpongeBob and Kanye in the same sentence.

The trailer makes this look like a really ridiculous, Naked Gun-type of movie and that doesn't bother me. Stupid? Yeah, but it seems like something I would get enjoyment out of anyway. Then again, I only saw the old Ghostbusters movies a couple of times and was never a big fan of the franchise so I'm not as passionate

Sad to hear this news. RIP

That doesn't surprise me, he's always been a really smart guy after all.

I think his chin must have gotten in the way?

Connery is not even English at all, he is Scottish.

"Any Moore"