
It has. Fox threw a fit when Marvel made the comic Captain America black. In fact, they thought the villains of the story (sons of the serpent, which is a racist group) was an attack on conservatives LOL.

And don't forget Roger Moore getting upset because he is not "English English" even though, you know, Idris Elba was born and raised in England.

*Insert joke about Sean Hannity and/or Bill O'Reilly here*

I can't wait to see the racist reactionary response from white people who get upset every time there is a movie where a person of color is the lead or POC's make up the majority of the cast. You think Fox will say something about it?

Don't quote me on this, but I read somewhere that in the original Annie she was a redhead to represent her being Irish and the Irish were once discriminated. So it would make more sense for Annie to be black because Black people actually have a long history of dealing with discrimination.

You know being a Christian I find it so bizarre when some believers claim Jesus was white. Like, he was a Jewish man from the Middle East. No way he was white with blue eyes and blonde hair. I think some Greek Orthodox churches depict Him with darker skin though.

Ah, "I'm not racist but" the ancient white proverb.

I think you can use Tilda Swinton now as well?

Bring back MadTV! #FeelTheMadness

If history has taught us anything, it's that actors who played the Human Torch and then joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe was a good thing.

Here's a suggestion, give the rights back to Marvel. You know, where they belong.

One might even call it pity.

C'mon, I would be a fool to think anyone could replace Mr. T.

In other news, NBC is bringing back The A-Team.

"I saw my advantage, and I took it! That's what heroes do!" ~Homer Simpson

I can see the headlines already: Sean Hannity calls Marvel's new movie "liberal propaganda".

To be serious for a sec, after the Fan4tastic movie flopped I have been hoping Michael B. Jordan would get another chance to be in a superhero movie.

And what's so funny is how they thought the villains of the story, sons of the serpent (a racist group in the comics) was an attack on conservatives.


I can just imagine Fox news' reaction to a movie called Black Panther. They went into a fit after Marvel made Sam Wilson Captain America in the comics.