
Ted Nugent changed his name?

Kids these days.

Reading this article just reminds me of the old days back when I was in high school and watching the Angry Video Game Nerd/James Rolfe on youtube.

I can't take that concept seriously just because all I will hear is Buzz Lightyear.

I think Agent Carter's biggest problem was that they didn't get into the creation SHIELD.

I know. Especially in Begins with Ra's.

Maybe it's because I never grew up with it but I never understood the appeal of Tim Burton's Batman movies. They have tons of stupid moments in them and turned Batman into a killer. The only redeemable quality about them is the score.

I used to like Frank's run on Daredevil but honestly TDKR is an overrated story. The only reason I think it got so popular was because it supposedly changed the general public's perception of Batman.

Catcher In The Rye is the most overrated book I have ever read and the main character is just so unlikeable.

The Flash/Supergirl crossover was one of the most adorkable things I've ever seen on television.

Well, unless they decide to put White Wolf (T'Challa's adopted brother) in there and do a similar thing with him as they did with Loki in the Thor movies.

Well of course, they have to keep milking that Marvel cash cow.

The first one maybe. But not any of the other films in that universe.

Cavemen are so 2007.

I miss the days when the only news you heard about Trump was something to do with his hair.

A lot of those hats and shirts he sells in his rallies are not made in America either.

Not to mention those Oregon militia dudes were threatening government agents and yet they present themselves as "freedom fighting patriots."

Yes. He's a racist jerk and doesn't deserve half the attention he gets. He isn't patriotic at all.

Johnny Ramone?

The ironic thing about Ted is that he claims he is such a patriot but he dodged the draft.