
Okay….did anyone feel like there was sort of a reference to Crisis On Infinite Earth's when they were trying to give Barry back his powers? With his costume?

Can you guys at least take back Bieber?

So what do you think he will do to try and stay relevant? You think he'll take a job at Fox?

"You have brought great joy to this old Italian stereotype."

Hey is that Ted Cruz in your profile pic? :p

That works too.

The thought of Donald Trump meeting Vladimir Putin is both very scary and yet very entertaining.

Now if only we can make sure a certain orange-haired, tycoon doesn't get elected either. My Italian parents call him the American Mussolini.

To be serious for a moment, the Trumpenstein monster is the republican's creation through years of fear-mongering, nationalism and bigotry.

Nah nah nah nah
Nah nah nah nah
Hey hey hey

I'm a white Italian guy and even I thought Marvel's defense of their whitewashing was incredibly weak. They tried to say that this version of Ancient One is supposedly "Celtic" (whatever that means), despite the location of the movie and their costumes saying otherwise. George Takei ripped them over this the other day.

Instead he decided to smile psychotically and smash a normal, non-superhuman person through a wall.

Tim Burton movies are wonderful to look at but to enjoy them I have to completely turn my brain off.

I like Superman too, but honestly I hesitate to even call Snyder's abomination Superman. I mean, his parents literally said "maybe" after he asked them if he should let people die instead of revealing himself to the world. Like, that's where he's supposed to get his morals from!

I was about to ask why they aren't just giving them all away.

This seems to be the formula that works for a lot of reality stars these days.

Can't wait to see it. I already feel like it's going to completely outperform BvS.

That thumbnail of Ness is really creepy.

Sad story. Couldn't begin to imagine how traumatic it was when her son was killed. RIP, Afeni Shakur.

So basically CGI yellowface.