
I know. That’s my point. The study is false.

Because setting goals at the beginning of years or months doesn’t really make you any more likely to achieve them.

Wow. Nothing in this article is true at all.

Is there something wrong with this woman?

6 months still isn’t really enough when you look at the maternity leave rates of other countries.

What about Transracial people? Racial identity is just as important as sexual or gender identity.

So she didn’t say anything about the Lebanese bombings? How insensitive.

I’m glad more people are accepting marijuana and people are finally realizing the ignorance in rejecting it.

Where’s the article about those that were killed in Beirut?

This is why religion has no place in the 21st century.

If your kid is ugly you shouldn’t lie to them, it will only hurt them more.

I really wish this article wouldn’t refer to her as “black”. Her skin is brown.

People hardly do monogamy anymore so this article is mostly irrelevant.

People hardly do monogamy anymore so this article is really irrelevant.

Why would the hotel discriminate against prostitutes in the first place.

“Grumpy old man and Democratic presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders”

The wage gap is actually often exaggerated and is no where near as bad as it seems.

You can’t really blame her for what she did.

I just think the clothes should come with a free diet schedule and a work out routine to follow.

Obesity is a disease that should not be encouraged.