you’re also not allowed to loot someone’s business, their livilhood. Don’t start none, wont be none.
you’re also not allowed to loot someone’s business, their livilhood. Don’t start none, wont be none.
black people clearly do not have any agency or consciousness as evidenced by this post. Just based animals only able to react to the stimuli around them,
Zack why not cover all the homicides that have occured during these riots. Oh right, this is a propaganda website.
wow here comes hollywood media confirming my biases.
lol, fight the power, right?
anything to deflect from the optics of black people destroying and looting as well.
Much to your dismay, Black people have agency too.
Two white men reaching for the stars in a historic matter while the brown and black hordes burn and loot across the country.
The symbolism isn’t lost on me.
so DIE?
Yeah bro, it’s this GUY doing it all, he’s starting all the crime.
Maybe grant some of your precious protestors some agency before going down the conspiracy theory angle.
I certainly don’t profess to be a an expert on Marxist theory. But ok.
Keep thinking you’re fighting the power the though
Evola is alright, makes some interesting remarks outside the materialistic dialectic framework we all unfortunately live under.
“y-y-you’re dumb”
Now go forth young comrade! Enforce and speak your principles that are also parroted by every HR office of every billion dollar transnational corporation in the world.
Fight the power!
of course you wont stop gloating. You are system approved. We both know that there won’t be any federal investigations into “conspiracy to riot” charges brought on this. We both know the media won’t do everything in their power to smear these protests. We agree on that for sure.
“Not enough”
^ People who say this…
who cares, the fact of the matter is there have been several homicides all stemming from BLM protests. Shit 5 cops were assassinated in Dallas a few years back, and yet BLM supporters are able to contextualize those circumstances on national platforms denying the participation of these killers. Thereby avoiding any…
So how many actually homicides have been linked to BLM protests at this point.
But hey, Charlottesville, right?
whoa, cool it with the anti-semitism.
this is a good point. I am for separation and for black people policing their own communities.
Another winner. God damn, the black nerds that frequent this site are not high caliber.
Gonna screenshot this post for posterity.
Maybe your website Dell, could do a retrospective review of the claims Schiff has made over the past 3 odd years regarding “evidence” of Russigate and what he was hiding from the public. That dude is a total fucking scumbag fraud, but whatever I’m sure we’ll see him on Colbert for some hearty laughs.
Fuck that guy,