
As Max Kellerman correctly stated a longtime ago- "Only Built 4 Cuban Links"- greatest rap album ever!

Olympic Torch flame,
It burns so sweet:
The thrill of victory,
The agony of defeat.

And Sonny Liston references!

Don't cry for me…Mike Wallace is already dead.

I didn't know she was Welsh.

(Eyes rolls at fan crediting a sexist as a feminist champion)

Hey! Leave The Clash out of this!

Roethlisberger's problem is that he surrounded by moronic bible thumpers who don't deal in in reality. He's more of a Chris Benoit type than anything and Tomlin's irresponsibility is just more fuel to the fire.

Feel sorry, for Heath Miller and his family and the moron that married Ben Roethlisberger. They have to suffer the most from the all the unnecessary injuries and trauma due to Tomlin's perpetual obtuseness.

Pittsburgh stupidity. They have a better quarterback, better defense, better tight-ends, better running backs, better run blocking, yet are constantly scuttled by idiotic coaching. Cowher was a "Monday to Saturday" who was bad at correcting his own misreads when they would occasionally pop-up. Tomlin is a myopic,

You're dad is Tim Roth?

(Gratuitous Salma Hayek ass shot)

She would always go Dutch.

Germans- yes! Italians (not that they technically existed) - maybe in Lombard?

"Ouch! Missouruh just took a bite out of me!"- Arkansas

However the South Korean remake had its moments:

And I'll be dead in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Missouruh!

If that is some kind of John Goodman reference, I find that as a compliment.