He does live in Arizona.
He does live in Arizona.
Lol. Talk about thirsty.
That Fox News moderator brought it up, too! He stifled his incredulity when he asked Trump “do you not believe the intelligence community” or something to that effect. Trump is either actually in cahoots with Putin, or is even more ignorant and stubborn than I could have possibly imagined.
Is anything ever actually said unless a man says it though, really?
No, I don’t want that, but in the little bit of time he has left I hope he is able to expose Trump or some of his people as ha in his knowledge of or encouraging the hacks. Something that can’t be ignored. If there isn’t any hard evidence before the inauguration we’ll never hear about this again.
Hillary Clinton literally brought up Russia hacking the DNC during a debate where she and Donald were on the same stage. Now he’s trying to say that no one said anything until after he won?
If there’s one Obama conspiracy I hope is true, it’s that he’ll declare martial law and try to claim a 3rd term.
Be careful mentioning skirt steaks to him, though, he might grab it by the rib eye.
since he cant sell burgers at his restaurant and can’t sell his steaks at sharper image, he has to take his beef to twitter.
I was a bouncer for two years, and I strongly believe that you can walk away from almost any bar fight without violence. Spilled beer can be replaced. If the girl would rather talk to the drunken asshole, let her.
From a legal perspective, putting your hands up defensively, taking a step back and saying loudly, you’re not looking for trouble or don’t want to fight, can be some important testimony in the future if you do end up fighting. Especially if you win.
I wonder if, in later years (should we survive this administration) folks will speak of the Trump Baby Bust in contradistinction to the Baby Boom. You are only one of many many people I’ve heard say they are now reconsidering having children.
My husband has major baby-fever, and there was a super cute kid at the place where we had dinner last night. You start to think, “What if ...”
And then you read shit like this. Nevermind.
I swear to God, if I hear one more person whine about how Hillary didn’t live up to their “oh-I’m-so-special-and-couldn’t-betray-my-values” standards I am literally going to scream. I am more angry at them than for the people who actually voted for Trump.
Wow... I bet all those “Never Hillary” morons are so glad that their vote didn’t count and Hillary won the election anyway...
It’s like the promise of good tasting fat free cheese. I bite into it with naïve hope and it just ends up leaving a bad taste in my mouth.
God this is all so absurd
anything that erodes Trump’s credibility, mandate and authority—even a little—gets a vaguely helpless nod / desperate thumbs up combo from me.