If this movie came out now they’d sue the studio and burn down Hollywood.
If this movie came out now they’d sue the studio and burn down Hollywood.
It’s not America - we have things like employment law & statutory notice periods that scale with length of service. So that is what he owes them. He may or may not have got out of it by winding up the company - we’ll see.
I was in boxing for most of elementary through high school. I was told frequently that boys don’t like athletic girls, let alone girls that could beat them up.
When you already know how something works it’s pretty easy to find confirmation everywhere you look. But I wonder why you expect an institution to be perfect? Or why your personal opinion on what is “responsible” spending is at all meaningful? Probably because you feel it’s “taxpayers’ money” so your special status as…
Taxes aren’t theft. By definition they aren’t since “theft” is a legal term of art and not just “something that I don’t like”.
I’ll see your Hocus Focus and raise you a Scion XB Ute.
Don’t forget these
For 6 and 7, I think that was his way of saying I’m not gay or a pedo. Of course when you protest that much....
Everyone assumes that Honda and Toyota are implementing the latest tech, but that really isn’t the case. And it’s the secret to their reliability. The Japanese tweak just enough to address issues, make refinements and reduce manufacturing costs without harming reliability. Beyond that they stick with the same engine…
...is what people will say when you perish. I can understand someone trying to be morbidly funny as some are wont to do around the comments section. It, at least, implies some creativity. What I can not understand is why, after reading the article, you felt an unstoppable urge to scroll down and submit what you wrote.…
A few days ago I mentioned I was making a poster to motivate myself to study for the bar. Well guess what?
Different kinds of friction. What they’re calling friction is really more a matter of adhesion and deformation-induced rolling resistance. It’s possible to design a material that deforms less on a microscopic level when weight goes over it, and that tries to “stick” to the tire less as it pulls up and away from it…
It’s sad that you’re so accustomed to the state of affairs that the sensible course of action seems to you to be to perpetually hold all human life hostage with the threat of complete annihilation.
Holy crap. Agreement on one incident does not equal across-the-board agreement on foreign policy. Also, a quick scan of Google News suggests that it’s not a big story beyond the Canadian press. Don’t get all self-righteous.
Like, what is he trying to say? My daughters are so dumb? If they don’t know enough about cars, why didn’t you teach them?
Here, if you really believe the stuff you’re writing here you should read it from the source. This book was written by a current Russian politician. Explained and planned step by step what Russia needs to do to become the empire again.
““United Kingdom should be cut off from Europe.”
Remember Cat Marnell’s essay about how abortion is bad and terrible and totally murdering a baby, and yes she’s had lots of them and will undoubtedly have more because she hates condoms and birth control makes her fat which makes it perfectly acceptable in her case, but they’re still horrible when anyone else has…
You butthurting political brown nosing butt munch.
want joe biden