@Oakie Pokie: Also, you can hit Ctrl+1, 2, 3, 4, etc, to just skip to a specific one.
@Oakie Pokie: Also, you can hit Ctrl+1, 2, 3, 4, etc, to just skip to a specific one.
"Ditch The Pessimism"
Perhaps he's just really dedicated to being an alcoholic.
@SUNY_SteveDave: Holy Crap! Do you even check your email? What happened to spam filter?
Couldn't be worst than the Austin Allegro.
@BayardMozie: No idea. I'd like to see this on Top Gear however (my favorite British television show).
Paint it pink and it wouldn't look out of place in a Thunderbirds episode.
I would switch to Chrome, but it doesn't have AdBlock . . .