
Impose my morals on you? Just because I admire someone for taking a stand for his moral convictions I'm imposing morals on you? Look, if you like to debase yourself in your own unrealistic and sexually distorted world, then you go right ahead. Don't you dare impose your immortality on me. Also, I didn't even

Thank you for this post! It's nice to see someone standing up for human decency and moral values. I wholeheartedly agree with this comment.

I agree that it was not a financial success, however they've now sold more tablets than any other iPad competitor, so that's gotta be worth something to HP since they've decided to keep making them after all.

Yes! This is a slam dunk by Amazon. There's clearly pent up demand for a cheaper quality tablet (see the $100 TouchPad success) and all the seamless product/service integration is the icing on the cake.

I've worked on unmanned systems for Boeing, and what a lot of people don't realize is that the predator platform was never originally intended to carry weapons. Due to high demand, the platform was retrofitted to carry a payload, but its accuracy really suffers because of this.

Yeah, but during the show they made it sound like they had to push it because it ran out of batteries, the brakes were "broken", and the engine was "overheated", even though it was still completely drivable. That's pretty dishonest in my opinion.

I have to hand it to Gizmodo. You guys always come across as pretty fair and balanced in the Apple vs. Android debate (at least to me). Unlike Engadget that seems to have devolved into some sort of Apple hatred blog and TechCrunch that basically worships Steve Jobs.

I can think of one more type of iPhone user:

@daPrinz: Problem is I don't have control over what loads in my Google Reader, so it's kinda hard to avoid it. I'd like it if this type of stuff didn't show up in my RSS feed like it used to. Isn't that why Gizmodo had the /t/not:nsfw feed in the first place??

@daPrinz: Yes, I would consider scantily clad women dancing around not safe for my workplace. This is exactly the type of thing I wouldn't want my boss to see me watching.

Whatever happened to the /t/not:nsfw feed? Also, why isn't this flagged as nsfw? I realize it's not that bad, but I still don't want this coming up on my screen at work...

It's hard to tell whether they're still sitting in the uncanny valley, or if it's just bad acting, but it still looks kinda weird to me...

Now that's what I'd call a tripod touch!

Seems like this stuff would be too hard to store and dangerous to use in any feasible quantity.

@chaboud: I was always under the impression that bullets do get deformed when leaving the chamber.

@xaronax: Now that's expensive!

Did this one myself:

I just discovered that a really convincing gory blood can be made by mixing honey and paprika! It's awesome.

Emulators would be so much better on this thing!

There's no way a bullet would maintain that much of its shape after impacting the ice, even if it did bounce.