
Someone needs to follow him around and gather these pee bottles for resale. I’ll bet that a homeopathic level of diluted Rock piss is still enough growth hormones to give a normal human being 3” of height and 25 lbs of muscle mass.

At least develop a morphine addiction and fuck Martin Freeman before you do another terrible season of Sherlock

“the legacy of the [Mighty Ducks] franchise” was more important to him than anything. “

Let’s pour one out for not only Peter, but the wonderful Wendy Jo Sperber, who died way too soon from breast cancer. in 2005 at the age of 47.

Well, Moonraker did predict creepy billionaires going into space.

I feel like it preceded it.  Smokey and the Bandit is pretty seminal there and it’s a few years later.  And if you disagree with me I have to question your motivations by saying, “ON HOOOOOOOOO’S SAAAAAAHHHHDE?!?!”

The series needs to go back to basics. Go back to 60s-70s Bond with the tux wearing, casino frequenting, megalomaniacal villains with secret underground lairs, Oddjob style henchmen, “I expect you to die,” but without the sexism/sexist innuendos, and stop trying to compete with contemporary action movies.

I give both episodes As. After more than 7 seasons of never showing anything more physically intimate between Holt and Kevin than hand-holding (at least that I can remember—and I’ve been watching and waiting for it), we finally get full-on, swooningly romantic kissing in the rain...and then another kiss at their

Your mom.

The first season of this show was so godawful, I can’t even make myself hatewatch the second one. This show isn’t cannon for me.

I mean I guess if you want to watch a show runner completely misunderstand the material they're working with it’s pretty effective. Although you can also do that with anything Kurtzman is involved with.

Hate-watching, which is the only appeal for any modern Star Trek.

The casting choices for the women in Pray’s life read like a who’s who of African American TV sitcom women of eightes and nineties NBCl Jackee, Anna Maria Horsford, Janet Hubert, and then throw in Michelle Hurd for a little Law & OrderL SVU flavor.

See, if you told me Flaming Hot Cheetos was the idea of a janitor at Frito Lay, and Frito lay made the guy sign away the rights without paying him a dime, THEN I would believe the story was true. The instant this guy started getting promoted and doing books and speaking engagements on ‘I did it, you can too’

So the reverse Sanjay effect?  Where his collective loathing is what forced him to stay?  I’m reading a chinese fan fiction novel because social media is the devil and popped it into my feed and I’m more intrigued by the social ideals underlying it than anything else and this seems so much in their worldview.  If

No crazy pandemic purchases, but last year for St. Patrick’s Day I couldn’t find any green cabbage so I had to have my corned beef with purple cabbage like a dog in the street.

We are good but mind reading the stupid is not one of our skills.

It was a running joke on MASH that Radar drank grape Nehi.

I think the 2007 film is the best all-around iteration of the story.