The first three seasons are rawer in look and tone. After Trapper and Harry left, the show settled into a more polished grove. I don’t hate it, you just can’t, but you can see the difference.
The first three seasons are rawer in look and tone. After Trapper and Harry left, the show settled into a more polished grove. I don’t hate it, you just can’t, but you can see the difference.
Grill that peanut butter & banana (& bacon) and you have something sublime.
I preferred this when it was TechTV and it showed Gerry Anderson’s Thunderbirds with the trivia track turned on. XPlay kept this non-gamer entertained with Dunk Link and Angry Steve Ditko.
I find the whole show unlikely, and uninvolvimg.
There was just a major ST convention in Las Vegas last weekend and there is a sci-fi con with major ST presence in Atlanta this weekend. Yet Paramount is still doing a 3-hr streaming Star Trek Day event (an event Disney+ seems so worried about they are counter-programming with ‘Disney+ Day’ an event even more bogus…
Get a bigger hard drive.
I take it this is not a problem on SSDs.
There was a season that BCS aired the same time as The Americans, so in a week I could watch eps of the two best shows in the history of TV.
Will there be Dragons? Game of Thrones had a bare minimum of thrones and even fewer dragons, but I’m there for Matt Smith in a platinum blonde wig. That's happening, right?
The Ameticans is a show every bit as good as BCS, and also one of the best shows in the history of televsion.
OK, yes, I see.
So it ends with a whimper and not with a bang, but what a whimper. In the end it meant nothing without Kim. Jimmy took the fall so that Kim wouldn’t be left holding the bag.
It’s a baby bottle nipple.
Time periods. Though, if i lived Kim’s Palm Coast future, i’d be dead inside.
And so much crueler. Was her puzzle flat white/grey?
Was Kim’a puzzle flat white or grey? She’s
Excellent anaysis; very insightful.
LCARS Theme skin.
Does KFC still do cake&pudding cups?
All new tabs on Disney+?