>sigh< again, evidence please.
>sigh< again, evidence please.
I have the latest version of Firefox for Android 9, it does not have the link option.
Bond is suppposed to be 42.
You’re already at Brunch. If you’re still worried about your manhood, just order a scotch. Everyone else will enjoy something light and refreshing.
Clinical evidence, please.
And yet he went from bored teen to writer and war scarred reporter in those 71 episodes.
Monkey Pox is spread through skin-to-skin contact (not anal sex). COVID is spread through close open-mouth contact. Both are happening during sex, but other every-day interactions too. Neither can be termed STIs, but are more generally infectious.
Archie Bunker? maybe not, but he was doing his best.
Right!? Best TV ‘Daddy’, for sure.
Best Dad, Best Captain; just the best.
Jake had plenty to do, and was given his due as much as any character on DS9 (no show serviced each and every character of it’s extended cast as well as DS9).
Honey doesn’t need anything to extend it’s shelf life.
This was all inevitable.
Negative feedback loops. Thanks Mother Nature...
Chicken Bahn Mi
Tropicana coconut&pineapple juice, rum, and seltzer.
You want that extra bit of butter.
I like a tangy, salty, WET italian sub/grinder (extra O&V, S&P, & herbs,,please). This seems to fit the bill better than most.
I have an electric grill that holds some 8 burgers at a time. Over Memorial Day weekend I slow cooked a 5-lb corned beef for 5 hrs- it can hold a low temp nice and steady.
Beercan chicken on a charcoal grill