
Arise seems to be a prequel of sorts, featuring a young, somewhat inexperienced Major. I have not seen it, the discs are gella expensive.

I like the 2nd season, I feel it builds on the bits of character work and such from the 1st season.
I cried a little at the end- the culmination of plot, character, and the music (I live the music in this show) are heart wrenching.
That 2nd season ep in the junk shop is another manly weeper.

Season 5- Hotel has many good moments.
Denis O'Hare was robbed for not getting an Emmy nom as Liz Taylor. F*ck he was good last season.

SyFy did this with Caprica, too, back when it wound down BSG.

It sounded like a public health clinic. It would be a place he could possibly get annonymity.

I, for one, have a very large CD collection of rare and obscure music which I can now carry with me. Only a fraction of the music, which I OWN and not rent, is avail on any service.

The Jukebox 3 was perfect.

I like the way the mythology opened up at the end with the Widow, the monks, and the religious-types.
I like the premise, characters, and the setting of the show.

True, I do enjoy this for what it is. And at 6 episodes it will not outstay it's welcome.

A pan moves the camera on a swivel in any direction; a boom moves the camera in space wherever the arm will go; a pedestal moves the camera up and down in space; a dolly moves the camera in space on wheels (often confined to a track, but not always).

It also has a glorious Jerry Goldsmith action/adventure score

E did worse than kill Don.
This was one of the most devestating ops E or P has pulled. You could see it on E's face every step of the way. She could have stopped, but plowed ahead to everyone's eternal shame.
Don is traumatized and deeply, deeply embarrassed. Young Hee will be torn apart for trusting and being

'And that's what you missed…on SOAP.' Love it.

This review seems more apt to the stage production than this movie.
All the weaknesses Rabin mentions are clearly present in the stage show, but not necessarily in this movie.

Some FX for the 2001 Dir Cut were done in CGI at a resolution suitable only for, primarily, the DVD release. The V'Ger ship, the hull walk, other stuff.

'Does Evangelicalism have a spiritual soul? There has to be more to Evangelical Christian culture than just "muh oppression".'

I find the GiTS features, a bit sleep inducing, whereas the TV seried is straight up awesome.

The movie runs the novel down pretty closely. The time in the sietch gets a bit shortchanged, but the major events are there.

Me too- total snoozer. Cannot keep my eyes open