
My favorite line from this movie.

Same thing with me in a late-night showing. That trio of girls sitting in front if me and my friend had no idea what was coming.

I would watch an entire ep devoted to place names- first 'Moon Diego' and now 'Mooniversal Studios'.
Also- 'Historic Food Court District'.

The Mayor and the police chemist both have face-lighting super powers, like Pizzazz. Some kind of recessive trait among Moonbeam City-ites?

Pizzazz's animation made me feel as uncomfortable as the character. The Mayor harassing her was pretty sqidgy- I think half as much would have gone twice as far to establish The Mayor's sleazy bond fides.
The 'Underwear Lunch' scene was funny and sleazy without crossing that line.

I'm tellin' ya, man- Pizzazz summons those shadows any where and any time she becomes enraged. No physical motivation needed.

Jack In The Box does their entire, way more complicated menu 24/7- and have for years. If they can do that, McD's can surely serve up an egg sandwich at 6p without all the whining

Pizzazz can summon those blinds shadows across her face every time she gets angry/intense (because she is awesome). It must have happened 3 times in the pilot.

That car was a Mustang- Harry purposefully did not buy a Volt or Prius.

My sense was that the train cars seemed just a little smaller as we travel forward. The Rear/Industrial Cars seemed bigger than the Ax Riot Car, seemed bigger than the Classroom Car on forward.
In the Luxury Cars we could often see floor to ceiling, side to side in a way we couldn't in the Industrial sections.

This is the slowest episode yet. This show has quickly become an utter slog and I don't now that I can manage even 4 more episodes.

How are these different than the Neeson 'Taken' movies, or Sean Penn's latest?

This is as misguided as McDonald's 'I'd Tap That' campaighn. Not quite as clueless, but certainly as misguided.

Thos ep made me a LOST believer. I was happy enough with the show up to this point, but with this ep I surrendered to whatever LOST cared to do and I would be there.

I have not seen this movie since the 80s, but I remember it fondly. The soundtrack, guided by Giorgio Moroder, is an excellent slice of 80s pop, and Virginia Madsen truly is radiant.

After 2 or 3 eps watching Jimmy actually start to do some legit lawyering (and giving Kim back the Kettlemans), I too realized that Jimmy's slide into Saul is going to be more tragic than comic.

Def. Star Trek, pretty much any era from TOS forward except during the Dominion War.
Hitchiker's books as a good second choice.

Of course the 'Road Show' presentation is a thing of the past. Overture, Intermission, the whole works.

You'll get no argument from me. I agree with all of your points.

One character dies off-screen. One character dies on-screen. 'Villiagers' are said to have perished. It's soft-pedaled a bit.