
The 2nd act is substantially reworked here. I still enjoyed this enormously, but the changes deserve to be debated afterward.

This B.B.Wolf doesn't have an enormous winkie, if that's what you're asking.
6yrs is fine for this version

Nope- and '…ah, well, back to my wiiife' is a pretty major lyric as it pertains to the themes of the original book. Never mind the continuing cleverness of the rest of the song.

It's coming out on my birthday.
As a long-time Trek fan who felt personally insulted by the unwatchable nu-Trek, I guess I will spend the day drinking heavily (instead of drinking heavily and seeing a movie).

Chicago is a top 5 movie musical for me. I saw it and immediately wanted to see it again.

This is more cliche than Avatar. (OK, maybe only as much).
Everything about this movie is actually pretty great, except when the flyboys (and girl) are talking and interacting. A lot of trumped up 'conflict' because the script dictates it rather than coming out of the characters.
Take out all that talking and insert

I believe The Tennesee Aquarium in Chatanooga is also all-freshwater

It is an enjoyable, if anemic chase picture.
I rate it a little higher then the reviewer does, but this movie doen't give the viewer much to hold onto after the credits roll.

I liked Ellen well enough (knowing full well Tigh was better off without her), and I like the actress that played her.

I'm a bit Phone-Phobic (it's a thing, look it up), so Night Caller freaked me right the f*ck out.
Movies and TV rarely actually scare me, but Dr. Who's 'Blink' and TZ's 'Night Caller' are genuinely scary to me.

It's either 'over' because you expect a reply, or 'out' because the conversation is over. You don't use both together. Seeing as how there are aliens involved, they may do it differently.

Spare me these stuid jerks and their precious, unfounded 'victimhood'. When you set out to hate other people, be prepared to be hated back.

If watching Babylon 5 has taught me anything, it's that knowing what happens is not as important as knowing why something happened or what happened afterwards.
Straczynski showed several flash-forward through the series, but finally knowing the context was the key those moments.

What an utter waste of time. This is nothing more than 'The Event' and all those other 'mystery box' shows that came along in the wake of LOST. LOST had the benefit of having never really been done before, and being fun even when it didn't make sense (and for the ep 'The Constant').

Ooh, Chimeras would be fun, and at least somewhat novel..

Still, you only need one shot to sell it. The rest is back-of-the-head body doubles. One non-speaking stand in is only a couple of hundred dollars for the day.

Truly- the first three eps of this show (and some material after) make the CDC look excedingly incompetent: Not really locking the place down, not isolating the infected, now we're in quarantine & now we're not, etc… It's all just common sense if you have even only seen a movie about an infectious outbreak.
Then he

Yes, Vampires is a definite deal breaker. Like you say, the pseudo-zombie-thing is bad enough.

Noooo…not Dr. Pam!

Your points are well taken. And 'Her' gives us more from Samantha's point of view than any other movie would have given us. There are whole lines and scenes that indicates what she and the other AIs are up to.
Still, with more from Samantha's pov, this movie could have been mentiomed in the same breath as 2001,