
Me too, it was so goddamn disturbing that I find myself thinking about it when on elevators. I'll tell you what, I am NEVER leaving if I'm in a stuck elevator until that shit is fully aligned with the next floor and there is a fireman grabbing my hand. Just…ugh. *shiver*

Right? I do not remember that line. Then again, I've only read books 4 and 5 once, because they're bloated bores.

I don't think you have much of a point here. The scene was always Jaime forcing himself onto Cersei, as a reading of the very pages you quoted shows, and there are deeper dynamics at play here between the characters than you're willing to discuss in your attempt to pin the showrunners as people shilling rape for

He is so far up his own ass that his skills as a critic - and I have read some of his reviews with an open mind and found myself begrudgingly respecting him - are overshadowed.