what makes you think cod kiddies bought bf3 in the first place?
what makes you think cod kiddies bought bf3 in the first place?
Well thanks for letting me know I'll have shingles in my future. I don't resent not getting a vaccine though, because I was too young to know if a suitable vaccine existed when I got it. (1990s?) Anyway thanks for that tidbit of info, I'll keep it in mind.
That is a lot to ignore my friend. Also, don't forget the few non-functioning suppressors. Maybe since this isn't being made by the old IW it won't be broken from the start?
I saw it thanks to Vidvandre below, and this is entirely underwhelming. I had to skip no russian because it was so senseless and a grasp for attention which admittedly worked. This however fails at grabbing me emotionally whatsoever because it is just so forced and the family so lifeless. No russian at least grabbed…
Care to explain the difference? I need the refresher on mgs4 and I'm waiting for MGS HD collection for mgs3
I like how the mk14 pic was lifted from bc2. Anyway what worries me more is how in the videos most guns barely have recoil
I'm just intrigued by the stats but I hope that the edit loadout from anywhere isn't a paid feature because I would love to do this after taking a look at my stats. I wish battlelog would let me edit loadouts :/
Cool! Did you buy it? I still have to wait for my release date delivery from amazon.
Good Luck!
PS3 screenshots for a 360 led game? What is this madness?!
That is sad, and now all I can think about is if I can remember seeing those faces at the concert
I would say megaman zero would be a more valid comparison with the ARES game than metroid.
they were also sold out for the longest time.
I would be fine with this if the passes were per console, but alas they are not. My brothers shouldn't have to pay just to play this on their profile. It makes me sad because my stats will be skewed in bf3 because my brothers will all have to share the same online persona.
There was a recently released sony vaio that did exactly the same thing, but rather expensive. I'm not sure where I read about it though.
Pre order skyward sword and you will get it I believe.
Legit question, would this work to replace a fried graphics card in my laptop to eek out a little more life out of it?
Going to this concert ef yeah! $80 tickets too but I AM PUMPED
You should if you ever gamed on pc. (serious 3d stuff)
We have to share now because we share birthdays :3