Lynn Yaeger appears to be quite possibly the most stylish person alive.
Lynn Yaeger appears to be quite possibly the most stylish person alive.
I feel like your (our) experience on OKC mirrors pretty much every normal guy's experience. I don't necessarily think that guys should have to leave OKC for something like Tinder if they just want hookups (some women on OKC want that too) because in my mind part of what makes OKC nice is that it's kind of open for…
My girlfriend and I met on OKCupid and she had similar feelings (I live in NYC). Actually, part of our courtship was her sending me an email that amounted to "F*** this place! It was nice talking to you though!" and my responding that I knew it hadn't been long, but that I'd enjoyed our correspondence a lot to that…
Using data collected from OKCupid, Fry explains how looking too good in your photo is limiting your overall range.
Five whole phases of research! My favorite part is "synthesize learnings" because the worst is when people leave their learnings scattered about. "Apply brand architecture" and "nurture brand champions" are close runners-up for meaningless jargon.
Fantastic tips! I'll definitely use that next time I'm poaching eggs. Seems like you just saved me having to wash an additional bowl when poaching eggs.
Alton Brown is one of my favorites, so It wouldn't surprise me if that inspired me as well :)
I recently poached eggs for the first time—I did it basically the way Jaques Pepin did (though not nearly as pretty in the end!), a little bit of vinegar and no metal poachers—and learned a few things from the experience.
I absolutely see what you're saying—I'm not saying Tebow is good by any stretch—but he at least brings running ability and charisma (?) to the table, and did enough to win games in really weird ways. Watching Lindley last year, he just seemed to bring absolutely nothing to the table.
Or look at AZ's QB situation last season. Were the Cardinal's chances really better with Ryan Lindley at QB rather than Tim Tebow (or pretty much anyone else not Ryan Lindley)?
The advice in this article is pretty solid. Kids are surprisingly resilient, intelligent, and understand more than they're often given credit for. Growing up, I was maybe spanked once, but often received corporal punishment by way of having hot sauce poured on my tongue when I'd curse (I thought curse words were…
The most pleasant public transit experience I've had was riding the MRT in Singapore. One thing that is different that makes the cars seem MUCH bigger and more spacious is that the individual subway cars are all connected, instead of being separated by doors as they are in NYC. That combined with modernizing the seat…
I absolutely believe you're correct in the assessment that Brady was involved—If I had to guess, he told the equipment manager that he likes his footballs more deflated, and when the equipment manager said they were at the limit, Brady probably said to deflate more. This was absolutely premeditated, and as you said,…
It's fine to argue that it's not the first offense, but—as you say—there is no way to actually prove that. So when the NFL doles out punishment it can only do so based on the facts at hand. That is more my point.
Your next trial? There were others? And by that load of BS you mean waiting for facts to come out before drawing conclusions and meting out punishment?
No. I was saying that there has been no material evidence from that game or any game prior that shows that they did this in those games. Your assumptions and beliefs that the Patriots cheated because they beat your team by coming back from two 14 point deficits are just your assumptions.
Don't forget all the "adderall" that multiple players on many teams are taking… Yeah, I'm sure it's just for studying the playbook and stuff, and it's all TOTALLY above board.
But there is absolutely zero proof that anything like this happened during the Baltimore game, so that's an equally pointless thought exercise.