
I can’t be the only one that hates these wood or faux wood interiors right?

True story.

I would think Jersey would be the best place for self-driving cars.

Can we just give Florida to China to settle that debt? They seem like a match made in heaven. Crazy bastards.

I wanted a manual coupe and ended up with an automatic sedan... the married life.

I agree, park the car for the next 3 and fine him and Gibbs heavily. That will stop this shit in the future.

It looked like Lewis was showing politeness by handing Seb his hat and then tossing Nico’s over to him so Nico didn’t have to get up and get it himself.

If that happens, they'll get their money back... but it will be in the form of missiles and bombs that their yuan paid for.

How many car enthusiasts are buying new Acuras? The Honda/Acura lineup is so biege and boring it makes the Toyota brands look super exciting.

Here is the only problem with your analysis. You aren’t accounting for the interest or capital gain you would make on the money you are using to pay off your mortgage.

I agree with you... a bi-weekly payment isn’t a bad idea if you can swing it. That way you can pay your loan off in 23 years instead of 30 yet still keep plenty of money in reserve and have a lot of liquidity. Taking a huge chunk of money and paying off your mortgage in one shot, or paying off a 30 year loan in 10

Why would someone bust their ass to pay off their mortgage well before they should when they are paying 3.25% interest and writing it off on their taxes? Because people are sheeple and lazy and don't want to learn anything besides blanket one size fits all financial advice. The problem with that is you look extremely

It’s “special” nitrogen, that's why it's so expensive.

I’m 33 and my wife is 34 and we’ve already bought a Lexus, an Infiniti, and a 2500 HD Denali (the most expensive out of all of them) and we have plenty of friends who have owned MB’s, Infinitis, Lexi, Beamers, and Audis. There are plenty of millenials who can and do drop 40k on cars.

So technically it works then?

Carpenter is a great driver, I’m sure he’ll show Karam how it's done on the next road course.

Just because someone would want to get footage of the event doesn’t mean they should be able to interfere. The TV helicopters have done just fine in the past while doing it legally without interfering with fire fighting efforts.

I’m talking about with cars actually on the freeway and catching on fire.

Highway 18 is two lanes on each side, the 15 is at least 4 lanes wide and an interstate. I’ve lived in Southern California my whole life and never seen anything like that before.

Do us all a favor and make sure it’s one with a 318 and not a 440. By all means, tell people it was a 440 though because I like rustling jimmies just as much as the next person.