Admiral Ackbar's Sweaty Taint

Fuck you jalopnik. Keep your political views to yourself. You dickheads assuming you know an ounce of shit about veterans is a disgrace.

Right, because veterans and widows have never ever been at a SOTU address before.

Not to be that guy (I think Uber has made some bad decisions, not to mention the higher ups seem to be pretty scummy), but. How did this guy lose $97k because of Uber?

Dude. Seriously. WTF is wrong with you?

Not funny.

God you guys are just the worst. You what? Want the tech industry to be outraged by Donald Trump winning? The tech industry that pays the highest corporate tax rates in the world and has been bullied the past 8 years into giving away their trade secrets because Big Gubment insists? And a candidate who wants to

Look Big Business backed the Democrat in this election. America is sick of public corruption. It’s crazy that the candidate that was more in bed with big business was the Democrat, I’m glad that companies who spend millions lobbying for weird laws that stick it to us are nervous.

How are we going to charge the batteries? Solar power? That can’t work for all of the people all of the time. I’m not saying it’s a bad concept, I’m just saying I’m not sure building battery factories should be the focal point of funding for aiding developing nations.

I dont know if we can do this, unless you pay a hefty monthly maintanance fee. Batteries are not just containers for electrons. They are very complicated and degrade over time. What if you traded in you perfect propane tank for a leaky one that only holds half a charge.

He’s a good teen

I love the idea of electric cars but I am admittedly scared of the fact that power outages happen. I experienced a week long outage and my gas powered car was an absolute lifesaver. I cannot imagine what I would have done if I had needed to charge my car to go out to get more ice to keep the coolers going, go to the

Why, hello there, hydrogen!

It isn’t about the current cost, you believe otherwise, but it isn’t. What you should be looking at, is your total consumption increase.

Another problem I have is, if you come home with a tank near empty, the next morning you can go over to a gas station and get a fill up. If for some reason your car doesn’t charge overnight, you’re pretty much screwed. I wouldn’t want to have my car out charging where anyone could mess with it. Or have to worry that

I’m going to toss some inconvenient facts out there for you.

Chevy Volt owner here: Not sure I agree with the article. Most of the power I use to charge my car probably comes from power plants using natural gas. So unless something drastic happens its more that perhaps oil companies would simply re-allocate where the supply is used: power plants.

Teh same economists that didnt see the recession coming or the shit recovery?

All that would happen is that the oil companies move more into oil based materials. Nothing more.

Remember kids, Rockefeller made even more money when his company was broken up.

world won’t end due to sun burning out? Please tell me my ignorance on this subject.

Oh look an electric car in a straight line is faster than a petrol car.