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When asked what she was going to do about the killer gorillas, Dr. Karen Ross brandishes the diamond laser and announces “ Put ‘em on the endangered species list!”

This exchange was featured in the trailer which was in heavy rotation. It’s burned into my brain:

Dare I admit that I edited the novelization of SPECIES 2?

Other than Sil, one thing that sticks out is it’s a cast full of not-classically-beautiful people... It seems, in a few short years, they’ve completely stopped casting regular-looking folk in most movies, unless they’re actors who’ve already made their name in the previous era.

But do any of those choice pieces of dialogue top this line from SPECIES 2?

“If we can’t stop him, he’ll fuck the human race into extinction!”

I love it when parents try to be reassuring.

North American Marlon Brando Look Alikes?

I’m old too, and I also remember the “duck under your desk, put your head between your legs and kiss your ass goodbye” drills. What concerned me the most is that most of those civil defense films were not about if it happens, it was about when it happens. Scary times.

I dunno man. I enjoyed this movie when I was younger, but it’s based on this very real fear of female sexuality, the attraction and simultaneous repulsion some people hold for it.

“Tell him he’s about to copulate with a creature from outer space!”

To call Natasha Henstridge “beautiful” is a disservice. The woman is absolutely beyond stunning. Perfectly cast. The face, the eyes, the body - yes it’s objectifying her, but that was the point of the movie - infiltration through our basal desires. Still one of my favourites.

I do remember the commercials for the sequel. Naked alien chick who wants to bone astronaut who is also an alien.

If you’re going to do 90's era horror movie quotes, you have to include Congo.

  • “She’s a predator. Her eyes are in front. Her eyes are in front so she can gauge the distance between her prey. Mine? I do panorama. Full view left to right... 180 degrees. I love landscapes.”

And as far as I can tell it’s an electrical device which will be wiped out by the EMP, so it’s kind(l)a useless as an after-nuclear-war reader.

Shoes are also going to be popular in most sports.

I figured with swim racing, it wouldn’t change - the suits give an advantage in reducing drag. Same for diving.

Swimsuit. I speak from experience.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the pool...