from when they didn’t suck
from when they didn’t suck
I don’t own an iThing® or Google Snoop™
I like the idea that the OS isn’t listening to everything I say all the time waiting for me to say ‘hey siri’
greta van susteren is vehemently defending him...
I’ll never eat steak tartare again
the occasional family BBQ.
that photo of Shkreli is odd: does he have the greasiest hair ever or what...?
who knew? cats can fly...
I once had a girlfriend who owned an dog of indeterminate heritage that would growl and snarl when she and I started getting amorous.
it takes a special breed of scumbag to kick someone who’s already down
I have an older subaru and go to a guy who used to be the service manager for one the biggest subaru dealer in the area.
Do they make an e-cig that doesn’t sound like Darth Vader smoking crack when you inhale?
I try to avoid exploding galaxies.
I sometimes take coffee with my for a morning commute. Kinetic energy, centrifugal force, vehicular turbulence.
I don’t vape but my wife does. She used to smoke 2.5 packs of Virginia Slims a day. It was a $75/week habit. She smelled like a punk club at 2:45am.
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