They didn’t offer him much. They went from low ball to sue. This was an ego match. Could have been avoided with a proper offer in the first place.
They didn’t offer him much. They went from low ball to sue. This was an ego match. Could have been avoided with a proper offer in the first place.
They didnt want to give him ANYTHING. No money. They wanted to walk into his office and take the domain name. He said “give me $15,000,000 or I wont sell” they then hit him with a $10,000,000 lawsuit saying that he wasnt allowed to have
I would have definitely made a deal. Just because you’re right doesn’t always make the fight worth it.
I’ve always been vaguely aware of this since the beginning... I’ve always thought that if it was me, I’d have just taken the dollars and moved on, before a lawsuit happened. If you go up against a multinational corporation, you kinda have to know that it’s going to take a toll on you, even if you “win”.
That’s great, but I personally feel sorry for you that you don’t ‘get it’.
I want her to divorce him while in office; cable news would go insane.
wow sounds like america is salty that russia did some sick maneuvers in front of our lame ass plane
Much worse it that they put movies whose titles begin with “The” under T. Come on, guys. This is easy stuff.
Have an iPhone X. FaceID works smoothly for the most part. You don’t have to click or aim anything: it wakes up with a tap of the screen* and the sensor has a pretty good range.
Haven’t had any of these problems yet. Whenever I pick mine up off the table, or take it out of my pocket, it’s unlocked by the time I’m ready to swipe up. At the store I take the phone out of my pocket, double tap the side button on the way up, face ID reads, I touch the phone to the terminal and that’s that. No more…
I have to admit, that explains “Bulletproof coffee”.
the potatoes are white
milk, cream and butter are in every white recipe. It goes without saying.
I’ve bought the Spigen thin cases for the past few years and love them. Thin enough that they don’t take away from the phone’s design much or add bulk, but enough protection to keep them from shattering. Had every iPhone since the 4s and have never even cracked a screen so knock on wood I guess.
She is the 2017 version of “Ow! My Balls!”
This girl is still a thing?
Seriously, Jalops, this is it. The moment of truth. We need to buy this car.
Yeah it’s similar to how Airborne’s shtick is that it was invented by a school teacher. Actually, I would prefer a drug developed by chemists.
“Designed for gamers by gamers.”