
One of the main reasons a helicopter has trouble in hot weather (especially at higher altitudes like they were at) is that the air is less dense the hotter it is. Because of this, the helicopter blades have less of a lift capacity than they do in cooler, denser air. Even civilian helicopters have to worry about this

Now, I see this encodes to H.264... Are there any other video codecs this software will encode to, in order to be used on other devices that are not made by Apple? I've got an HTC Incredible, and would love to find a program like this with the same functionality

@DeadWriter: Simply put the duct tape over the sprayer nozzle area

@vein11: If you watch Google's I/O Android Keynote from this year, and pay careful attention to the parts where they show the screen of the phone on stage, you'll get some hints of Gingerbread 3.0 UI.

@Garrett Brooks: Haha I am thinking for myself. Which is probably one reason why you dont care much for what I'm saying. I havent read one blog that's saying what I'm saying, and that is that Steve Jobs knows his way around a money-grab. Let's get serious here for a second. Do you honestly think it should take 3 years

@studioholladay: Listen, I'm a tech junkie, and I get just as excited about NEW tech as the next guy. I'm very excited about everything that's being done by all of the phone makers. I love competition.

@Garrett Brooks: I hate it when people seem to type as though Apple innovated innovation. People seem to think that every thing someone does is just trying to pose off Apple. Do you honestly think there arent smart and innovative people that work at these other companies? Do you think that if Apple ceased to exist

Here's the thing guys - He's not saying that incremental is bad. I think people are reading into this as though he's saying that incremental is not a good thing. Because in many regards, it is a good thing. However, He's saying he's unimpressed in comparison to the way that Apple is advertising it. Go to their

@SparklyJesus: I think you mean, if AT&T could HANDLE it. Dont worry, they'll enable it at some point, but not until they have enough people signed up on the new ridiculous incremental data plans. Then they'll allow it, and then people will be burning through their data, paying the extra $10+ a month for the extra

@Chris Pratt: I'm sorry, but you're honestly fooling yourself if you think that A) there wont be a camera(s) in the next version of the iPad, and B) the lack of a camera WASNT anything more than a money-grab.

@YourStarDoesNotMakeYouRight: Well, I'll go ahead and correct you for being wrong.. Facetime is WiFi only as of yet. I'm sure it will make its way to 3G use too, but the iPad and iTouch would be able to do it with not having cellular capabilities