
Those silly Japanese. Krispy Kreme already sells a holder for the appropriate amount of's called a box.

Lot of haters here, so I will say I am looking forward to it and I wish more sequel work was done in the Peter Jackson style. It really helps with continuity.

I wonder which has a higher computational cost. Rendering a 1080p stream to a native display or interpolating a 1080p stream down to 960?

@tomsomething: They used Hobbits for models which is why they have their socks on.

@JimboLodisC: You did click on a link that said "I like it on your Tits". What were you expecting to see? Small birds?

So's I see youse hasn't paid your "fire service fee". It sure would be a shame if Vinnie and da guys didn't hear the alarm or couldn't find your home...if youse know what I mean.

So...driving too fast for conditions and not paying attention to the road. What has this got to do with the GPS in his car?

"Too bad is part of an exhibition and not a real product."

If you are going to coat your skeleton with anything, go for Adamantium. Claws are optional.

"Looks at the facts: very high power, portable, limited firing time, unlimited range. All you'd need is a big spinning mirror and you could vaporize a human target from space."

Sorry, but I want my stories clean and uncluttered by other distractions.

@typica1cat: Yeah...cause software can block radio signals.

@chaoslink: The GPS signal comes from space...not your car.

OK, +1 for setting high goals, but -1 for basically knocking everyone in the US off the list. Unless you are paying apremium or on fiber, it is very doubtful you have 1Mbps up.

My biggest pet peeve is the use of multiple aspect ratios requiring letterboxing even on my 16:9 TV.

"It's a stunning headset, actually, which sounds weird coming out of my mouth. (Or fingers! Who's counting.)"