A. D. Leonardini

I decided to view him talking about dreams in his bathrobe as a tribute to Gandolfini because it brings me joy

SAME! i'm trying to catch up but i feel like i have not finished each episode until i've read E V E R Y comment.

I was thinking that too- same horrible sound effect and motion

It may interest you to know there are certain browser extensions that will effectively tell Netflix you're in a different country :).

Agreed, but I kept and will probably continue hate-watching in hopes that terrible things happen to the terrible people.

Because if you can't love yourself, how the hell you gon love someone else?!

Same! Before the episode started I asked my friends "any bets on Eli's fate?" because he had been on the road to destruction for so long.
About Richard (the first time I started sobbing during the episode), I've been thinking about that moment over and over, and now I REALLY agree. Look at Julia's dad, who confided in…

and his goodbye to Tommy! UGH! broke my shriveled heart!

There was one by my workplace that closed last year! Everything was for sale at the end, including shelves and buckets(?). It has been replaced by an even less useful business… a vitamin store.