Poop du Mosíer

I was once in the same bar as Depp, and could easily smell him from 10-15 feet away. I can’t imagine how women fuck him without gagging.

They are trying to sell cologne and use Johnny Depp as part of the strategy. That’s incredible. Depp looks like the worst smelling male on the planet.

The neighbor behind me has these blinds... some broken /some half open - and nothing infuriates me more than seeing them.

Jesus. With that bleak apartment, I’m surprised they’re not in a suicide pact; divorce seems reasonable.

It also seems curious that park rangers would enlist a random publicity-hungry guy who passed through Foster Falls to help gather what they’d know might possibly end up as evidence in court.

god coulda just stopped the kid from drowning

Let’s all put the tin foil hats away on this one.

I understand the parents not wanting to watch the footage. I don’t want to watch it because I’m not comfortable watching people die. I can’t imagine being a parent and attempting to watch footage that may show your child dying.

Who would need to or just - as a passing interest - want to watch a guy drowning? I am just curious, because there was no Crime here, he just drowned.

How would you feel watching your child drown? I mean would that give you some sort of closure? Or is it more of a perverse wanting it to get leaked online type of thing?

6 years is a long revenge screw

Pretty awesome Mr Aloha. Many blessings to you.

...Which is why I provided you a summary of what I remember.

While articles on this topic are easily googleable, basically, Doggyface up there amongst other things likened Indians to vermin, and stole food from them during WWII to ship to Britain and their war effort, causing major starvation and lots of deaths. Which he wasn’t the least bit sorry for by the way, because of

Lady Astor was also said to have responded to a question from Churchill about what disguise he should wear to a masquerade ball by saying, “Why don’t you come sober, Prime Minister?”

Winston was - in addition to being rather bulldoggish in appearance - also a bigot and a racist of positively Hitlerian proportions. In fact the only genuine reason he opposed Adolf was that the upstart Germans were a dangerous competitor to the British Empire in their quest to conquer the world. You never see THAT

This is what happens when you give marginally employable people lots of power. Most of the TSA people I’ve come in contact with would otherwise be working at fast food chains. 

That’s here in Rochester, NY. Shame is, that video *could* have been a commercial for how easy it is to fly here. Look at the line, or lack thereof. There’s zero waiting. I guess the TSA agent had too much time on her hands. Now she has more. I hope they handed her a note... “You Fired”

What, did she think that the only thing that kept TSA from being the absolute worst was that it wasn’t enough like middle school?

These are worse, but only by a very small margin. They’re too narrow and the wicker digs into your legs.  They’re too deep to lean back in while eating, yet if you sit forward, the raised part on the front of the seat cuts off your circulation.

He wasn’t on suicide watch, though. He was taken off of it. And, in fact, having been on suicide watch can actually increase the ideation, which is why suicide watch doesn’t tend to be a long-term thing. There are also multiple kind of different suicide watches. And there are many accounts that MCC is not an easy